FBI Report: Hillary Blamed Brain Damage for Memory Loss

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 3, 2016

If she is severely braindamaged, that certainly explains the entire email scandal, as well as her ongoing seizures and other weird behavior, such as the inappropriate hysterical laugh.

But do we want a severely braindamaged woman running the country?

I guess the question is: could something bad happen because a person with severe braindamage is running the country?


Hillary Clinton, under questioning by federal investigators over whether she had been briefed on how to preserve government records as she was about to leave the State Department, said she had suffered a concussion, was working part-time and could not recall every briefing she received.

Clinton, the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, raised the health scare during her 3-1/2-hour interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department prosecutors on July 2, according to an FBI summary released on Friday.

Besides the 11-page interview summary, the FBI also released other details of its investigation into her use of an unauthorized private email system while running the State Department, in which it concluded she mishandled classified information but not in a way that warranted a criminal prosecution.

Clinton told investigators she could not recall getting any briefings on how to handle classified information or comply with laws governing the preservation of federal records, the summary of her interview shows.

“However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot,” the FBI’s summary said. “Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received.”

A Clinton campaign aide said Clinton only referenced her concussion to explain she was not at work but for a few hours a day at that time, not that she did not remember things from that period.

The concussion was widely reported then, and Republicans have since used it to attack the 68-year-old candidate’s health in a way her staff have said is unfounded.

The FBI report, which does not quote Clinton directly, is ambiguous about whether it was her concussion that affected her ability to recall briefings.

The FBI declined to provide further comment on the report.

Trump’s campaign issued a statement immediately following the FBI report’s release saying the notes from the interview “reinforce her tremendously bad judgment and dishonesty.”

Clinton has said that in hindsight she regretted using a private email system while secretary of state.

The documents also show that Clinton contacted former Secretary of State Colin Powell in 2009 to ask about his use of a personal BlackBerry phone.

In his reply to Clinton via email, Powell told Clinton to “be very careful” because the work-related emails she sent on her BlackBerry could become public record.

“I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data,” Powell said, according to the summary.

It’s so funny she is literally saying “I did it because a man said it was okay” (extra funny because she’s blaming the Black guy).

No matter what level a woman is on, this fact remains constant: she cannot grasp the idea that she could be personally responsible for her own behavior.


Colin (pronounced “Colon” for some reason) Powell is being blamed for Hillary’s decisions. He has responded to these allegations by claiming he didn’t do nothing.

However, a lot of high-level women will claim to understand the concept of personal responsibility in order to manipulate men. Hillary Clinton is apparently incapable of doing this.

After her use of a private email system became public knowledge in March 2015, Clinton repeatedly said she did not use it to send or receive classified information. The government forbids handling such information outside secure channels.

The FBI has since concluded Clinton was wrong to say that: At least 81 email threads contained information that was classified at the time, although the final number may be more than 2,000, the report said. Some of the emails appear to include discussion of planned future attacks by unmanned U.S. military drones, the FBI report showed.

CLINTON believed the classification level of future drone strikes depended on the context,” the FBI’s interview summary said. The U.S. government requires that military plans be classified.

How was she supposed to know information about future bombings was classified?

The poor woman has serious brain damage.

I mean, she probably used to know that anything to do with military plans is classified – most any random person you approached on the street and asked would know that, presumably including little children – but the women’s mind is shot. She’s having seizures, she can’t even walk up stairs.

hillary seizure

tfw maybe certain military attack plans aren’t classified. I mean, it’s Pakistan – even if they had the internet to find out about the attack plans, which they don’t, they couldn’t do anything to stop them.

Can we really hold her responsible for this?

The FBI released its report on Friday afternoon before the Labor Day holiday weekend, a time many Americans are preparing to travel.

Pure coincidence.

You can get the full FBI report on their website. I haven’t read it, but there’s probably some juicy bits in it the media hasn’t reported. Although braindamage and “I didn’t know all military attack plans were classified” are pretty juicy bits.