Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2015

The infamous Monkey President of the Jewnited States, Barack Obongo, believes that illegal alien invaders are entitled to reside in the country as virtual citizens without fear of deportation. He manifested this belief in his executive-ordered amnesty program.
A federal appeals court, however, has stood up to the monkey president by basically telling him to quit sidestepping the law with his amnesty baloney.
The decision by a three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans adds another delay for the undocumented immigrants who could have been protected under the president’s order. A federal judge blocked Obama’s plan in February, hours before many of them were to start applying for the new program.
“As the powerful dissent from Judge [Stephen] Higginson recognizes, President Obama’s immigration executive actions are fully consistent with the law,” said White House spokesperson Brandi Hoffine. “The president’s actions were designed to bring greater accountability to our broken immigration system, grow the economy, and keep our communities safe.”
Hoffine said Obama’s action are “squarely within the bounds of his authority” and are “the right thing to do” for the nation.
The legal challenge started when 26 GOP governors filed a lawsuit against Obama, and in February, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, halted the program. The U.S Justice Department appealed that ruling and their request was denied by Tuesday’s ruling. The Obama administration can now appeal to the full 5th Circuit Court of Appeals or directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.