Federal Judge Decrees DACA will Reign Forever, Government Must Accept New Applications

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2018

This is full nonsense.

Mad Hatter tea party.

I literally can’t even.

New York Times:

In the biggest setback yet for the Trump administration in its attempt to end a program that shields some undocumented young adults from deportation, a federal judge ruled Tuesday that the protections must stay in place and that the government must resume accepting new applications.

Judge John D. Bates of Federal District Court for the District of Columbia said that the administration’s decision to terminate the program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, was based on the “virtually unexplained” grounds that the program was “unlawful.”

The judge stayed his decision for 90 days and gave the Department of Homeland Security, which administers the program, the opportunity to better explain its reasoning for canceling it. If the department fails to do so, it “must accept and process new as well as renewal DACA applications,” Judge Bates said in the decision.

The ruling was the third in recent months against the Trump administration’s rollback of DACA. Federal judges in Brooklyn and in San Francisco each issued injunctions ordering that the program remain in place. But neither of those decisions required the government to accept new applications.

Judge Bates, who was nominated by President George W. Bush in 2001, described the Trump administration’s decision to phase out DACA as “arbitrary and capricious because the department failed adequately to explain its conclusion that the program was unlawful.”

He appears to be an American, even.

But what exactly is the thing here?

Trump needs a reason to end the program, beyond “these people are illegal immigrants”?

Did Obama need a reason to say “these illegal immigrants can have amnesty”?

I mean, I know he had the emotional argument, but was there anything other than that?

Was there a logical explanation as to why it was okay to give hundreds of thousands or millions of illegal immigrants legal status in this country? What kind of legal argument could be made to support doing that?

And what kind of legal argument would be necessary to end that?

And look – it’s not just judges fucking us on immigration – from DACA to the Moslem ban – it’s judges fucking Trump over friggin sex scandals, breaking a bunch of laws to make that happen.

This whole “judicial tyranny” thing is 12 steps beyond out of control.


Once again, we see that martial law is the only answer.

Trump is incapable of doing anything as long as any random federal judge is just allowed to say “nuh-uh.”

We need to release the military onto the streets, we need to shut down the courts and the congress. We need large detention facilities AKA concentration camps.

No one can stop Trump from doing this if he wants to do it.

The cops and the military – at least the rank and file – will support it. Trump can issue a public statement telling military and police to relieve their superiors of duty if they attempt to refuse.

We can shut the whole thing down.

There are not going to be any partisans – the only people resisting Trump with violence now are trannies.

Martial law would also be great for the economy, which would make others support him.

This is the only choice right now. There is no other choice.