Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2014

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.
Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.
Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.
This comes amid the claims from the Black Bastard-in-Chief that he has no idea how to fight ISIS.
I have a strategy to fight ISIS, Barry – and it cannot fail.
a) Stop bombing them
b) Stop funding Israel
c) Eject every single Muslim from the United States, as well as racially Middle Eastern persons who do not identify as Muslim
d) Seal the border
Voilà! No more ISIS threat!
Not particularly complicated. We are at a junction where we must choose between liberal values and our own lives. But America is such a silly country these days, isn’t it?
It is well worth getting car-bombed and invaded by Islamic extremists in order to allow six million poor little brown children to have free passage into the US.