Feelings Police

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 3, 2016


The hordes of anti-racists are going all-out to attempt to shut down anyone who dares to veer from the official doctrine provided them by the ZOG state, dares to think freely, dares to question the foundations of this corrupt empire of decadence and depravity.

Above is a poster posted on the Portland State University campus, featuring the faces of three men who an anti-racist group wants hunted down for allegedly having hurt the feelings of brown people.

They actually want people to be sent to prison for hurting people’s feelings.

Because the same filthy kikes who went into our courts and argued that hardcore pornography is “free speech” are now arguing that “hate speech isn’t free speech.”

The winds are changing. Our ideas are now going mainstream. And the only way to stop them now is to literally start arresting people.

And Hillary Clinton will do it.

In 35 days, we are voting.

But this isn’t a mere Presidential election.

This is a referendum on the future of Western civilization.

It’s the last chance for this to end in something other than rivers of blood.