Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2014

An attractive 34-year-old Utah high school teacher is being charged with felony rape for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old student.
As a rule, I do not support high school teachers having sex with their students. At the same time, I am unclear as to how this can be considered a legal issue, and certainly unclear as to how it can be called “rape,” when it is objectively not rape.
I would think firing this woman would be plenty punishment. I have no idea why this is any of the state’s business.

These cases – which seem to happen constantly, as they are so played up by the media – as well as all other cases of “new rape,” appear to me to be anti-White. They throw off the rape statistic, and make it appear as though non-Whites commit only the majority of rape, when in fact, if we talk about actual rape, they commit almost 100%.
From NY Daily News:
A Utah high school teacher accused of having sex with a teenage student after first hooking up with him in a church parking lot has pleaded not guilty to felony rape charges.
Brianne Altice, who turned heads as she showed up in court wearing a figure-hugging top, slim-fitted pants and high heels, denied the alleged relationship with the 16-year-old.
The boy claimed his English teacher at Davis High School, in the deeply Mormon city of Kaysville, had sex with him at least three times.At a preliminary hearing last week, he also alleged that he was having problems at home, having recently moved to Utah, and would cut class to hang out with the 34-year-old.Intimacy followed after an initial encounter in a church parking lot, he added.The boy then went on to allegedly have sex with Altice at her South Weber home and at a park, between Jan. and Sept. 2013, reports The Davis Clipper.
I understand that in this case, being in Utah, you are dealing with an extremely religious community, which makes the situation more serious. Maybe they should be allowed to deport her from the community – I don’t know. I do know that calling this “rape” is a joke, and makes a mockery of the tragedy of the lives of the 100-odd women who are raped by blacks every day in this country.
I see some folks in the comments took issue with my analysis here. Just to be clear, I am not saying that I think this is okay, or that the woman should suffer no consequences. I just don’t think calling it “rape” makes any sense, nor do I think that a 16-year-old boy should not be held responsible for his behavior. There was a time when the boy would have been the one held responsible for this.
Clearly, there is now a pattern of older women going after teenage boys. And I think this relates to the lack of power that women presently have, due to feminism, which has effective caused them to exist on the same footing as men, where they are unable to compete in the power struggle.
Society is a mess, and these stories of teacher-on-boy sex clearly are representative of that mess. But I do not feel the answer is to confuse things even further.