Fem-Mulatto on CNN Takes Bold Stand – Calls Trump “Your President” While Speaking with White Man

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2017

Meanwhile, on CNN…

Appearing on CNN with Chosen One John Berman, a feminoid mulatto has taken a bold stand, referring to President Trump as “your President” when speaking to a white Congressman.

Fox News:

A CNN political commentator repeatedly referred to President Trump as “your president” on a panel Monday, refusing to acknowledge him as her president too.

Angela Rye appeared on host John Berman’s show for a discussion with former Republican Rep. Jack Kingston on Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign officials during the 2016 presidential election.

“Do you really think they would have had five people in a meeting if this was about collusion with Russia?” Kingston, a former senior adviser to the Trump campaign, said as he defended Donald Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. “It just defies logic.”

Rye responded: “There are a lot of things that your president has done to defy logic—let’s at least acknowledge that.”

“Your president too, Angela. Your president, too,” Kingston fired back.

“Well, he’s your president,” Rye said again, refusing to call Trump “her” president.

She is absolutely correct. Trump is not her President.

Her President is the head of Black America – Morgan Freeman.

Or at least Freeman is 40-odd percent of her President. The other 50-odd percent of her genetics is Presidented by Donald Trump, technically.

Interesting how many of these black power activists appear to be less than even half black.

Her shirt is a reference to slavery and the fact that America was built out of cotton.

Also interesting that Rye appears to be using skin whitening cream or some kind of bleach.

Also, a nosejob. Which I don’t think was intended to make her look more African.

Here’s the full clip.

If you’re wondering who this woman actually is – I’m not really sure.

I think she’s just a Twitter personality.

The Black Lives Matter version of Mike Cernovich.