Female TV Hosts Praise “Hot” ISIS Terrorists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 21, 2016


Well, well, well.

Daily Mail:

Loose Women viewers were left outraged after a guest joked about ‘hot’ ISIS terrorists.

Stand-up comedian Shazia Mirza appeared on the ITV panel show to talk about her new tour, which addresses a number of politically-charged issues including terrorism and jihadi brides.

When asked about why she thought young girls were leaving the UK for Syria, Miss Mirza jokingly suggested they were fleeing because they thought the male jihadists were ‘a bit of alright’.

The comment was seized upon by dozens of social media users, who branded the comedian an ‘idiot’ for making light of the terror group on television.

Miss Mizra, from Birmingham, has said her new show, The Kardashians Made Me Do It, is inspired by three schoolgirls from Bethnal Green Academy, east London, to become jihadi brides in Syria.

The comedian, who is currently on tour in the UK, addressed some of the topics of her show on Loose Women today.

Referring to girls feeling to Syria, she said: ‘I’m not being frivilous but these ISIS men, as barbaric as they are, you have to admit, they are hot. I mean, some of them are.

‘They are macho, they’re hairy, they’ve got guns. And these girls they’ve got are thinking “he’s a bit of alright”.

‘And what they’ve done is, they have sold their mother’s jewellery and bought a one-way ticket to Syria for some halal meat.’

Okay, so it’s a hajess saying this. But the White women on the panel are all laughing in agreement.

I keep telling men this, and they just cry like little babies, but the Moslem invasion is for many women in Europe what an invasion of Victoria’s Secret Brazilian supermodels would be for men.

When you see these women out there holding up these signs, it is about sex. It is a mass cuckolding. They are attempting to replace us with men they view as more sexually virile – men who will control them in the way they biologically desire to be controlled.

A woman with a Sisters Uncut sash has a poster 'No One is Illegal' on the handlebars of her bike on the 'Refugees Welcome Here' national march through London.000_Hkg10208959-940x470 JS71528807 img2.thejournal.ie 21354998962_54121ea6d0_b 1442083577-thousands-march-through-central-london-for-refugees-welcome-here_8528446 1297775720915_ORIGINAL 451726_img650x420_img650x420_crop 1442105159-refugees-welcome-here-national-demonstration-held-in-london_853136321370416141_793e1b323e_b h_52172926 Refugees-Welcome-sign-germany-RuptlyYoutube

I have been accused of saying “all women.” And maybe I’ve said this, hyperbolically. Obviously, not every single European woman supports the invasion. And more and more are speaking out against it.

But all those who do support it support it for one reason and that reason is sex. More specifically, it is the desire to be dominated, but this is expressed as the sex drive on the biological level.

The fact is, we are still animals. And as animals, once our basic needs of food and shelter are met, everything we do becomes about reproduction.

Women view these men – subconsciously, mostly, but virtually all thought is subconscious, especially for women – as capable of dominating them, protecting them, and producing healthy, strong children for them.

If this makes you extremely uncomfortable, then you are a normal person. But the fact that it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make it magically untrue. The white-knighting faggots who want to pretend like “oh, they’re just brainwashed” are no different than any other reality-deniers. They might as well be pushing “all races are equal” or any other piece of Jewish gibberish.

The Solution

We are obviously naturally more attractive than these monkeymen. However, we have given up our masculinity to feminism.

The way to deal with this mass cuckolding we are undergoing is to reclaim our own masculinity, and the first and most important aspect of such a process is to stop pandering to women, to stop treating them as equals.


Women do not want to be treated as equals, they don’t want to be pandered to, and they despise men who do this. On a biological level, a woman hates a man who puts her at the center of his life.

What feminism is is a demand to be slapped around, to be put back in their place. That is why it is the feminists who are at the forefront of calling in this Islamic invasion.

Obviously, this would make no sense whatsoever if feminism was really about “women’s rights.”

Women do not say what they mean. Their speech is meant to communicate emotions, not intellectual content. What they are communicating with all of this noise they are making about “women’s rights” blah blah blah is that they are unhappy with the behavior of men. They explanations they give for why they are unhappy mean absolutely nothing, and they don’t actually know themselves.

The reason they are unhappy is that European men have stopped acting like real men.

Feminism is the complaint of a woman who doesn’t have a man to tell her what to do.