Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 2, 2015

On May Day, Femen did what female political activists do best and rushed marine Le Pen, topless and shouting things, The Independent reports.
Here’s the video. Warning: Contains gross tits.
Though their uninspiring breasts had”Heil Le Pen” and “stop fascism” written across them, it is unclear what statement they were trying to make, as Marine Le Pen, herself a woman, has completely destroyed the party to the point where now their only relevant issue is that they want a referendum on the EU.
So does Femen think it is fascist to exit the EU? What about this?

Maybe they are just protesting her now completely vague and toothless anti-immigrant rhetoric. Because they love Moslems, even though they would all be executed – stoned to death, specifically – if they did what they do in any serious Moslem country.
See, here’s the thing. It is really best not to even try and process the possible motivations of women. They are not logical and they are otherwise irrelevant. Femen goes out and does this either because they are getting paid to do it or because they have been stirred up by the media to feel a drive to do it.
They are a good place to see a demonstration of the anti-feminist position I have been pushing lately, as they so obviously have no clear agenda, and are instead just completely hysterical. And here’s a test – go ask a Western woman what she thinks of them. I know what she’ll say. But you go ask, and find out for yourself.