Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2014

Femen has invaded New York City, staging a “fuck Putin” demonstration in Times Square. They ripped apart Russian flags and implored the US to “stop talking, start acting.”
Inna Shevchenko herself was there, and of course, the Jews of Vice magazine were called in to film it.
Inna gave a weird interview with Vice, where for some reason she looks as though she is about to start crying, apparently calling for US/NATO military intervention in Crimea. They don’t say that, but what else can “do something” possibly mean? The only “something” that is possible is force, because Putin has made it clear he could care less about sanctions.
They even had a fat girl, which I thought they had a policy against. But I guess they figured that would be sympathetic in America. One might even suppose they were mocking us, bringing such a cow as this. It is interesting to note the psychology of this move – their normal technique is to disarm the target by showing an attractive female body, and here they are disarming the target with something grotesque. Placing this sickening blob alongside Inna, who is beautiful, creates very uncomfortable emotions. One would have to think whatever Jew stage-manages these events had thought this through quite fully.
The profanity they shrilly shout and the overall spastic nature of their presentations also serves to make the spectacle as uncomfortable as possible, hitting a maximum amount of triggers.
Vice has been doing a series of reports from the Ukraine with the Jew who was there for the pussy whipping, Simon Ostrovsky.
“Liberals” and “Conservatives” Come Together to Attack Traditional Society
Isn’t it interesting that this edgy, rebellious group of topless whores has the exact same position as John McCain on this matter?
What an awkward situation, when all of these liberals are calling for military intervention in order to support the “democracy” of a people who violently overthrew a democratically-elected government. Even if you don’t accept the now-established facts that the revolutionaries were being handed cash by America and that the snipers were working for the opposition, the Maidan killings a false flag, it still seems uncomfortable to have liberals working so actively to support an undermining of the democratic process.
But John McCain and Femen agree that Putin must be opposed, because both represent the Jewish agenda.
We have been told that war is a “right-wing” behavior, and that liberals stand against it. The present liberal calls for military action against Russia (along with all of Obama’s other wars, which his minions tended to support) demonstrates that war is neutral. War is simply violence. It can be used by either the left or the right. The only ideological conflict which exists is the conflict between Marxism and Traditionalism. That is the only real war of the modern era, in a time when war for resources and economic gain is largely unnecessary. This is a war between the Jews and the White Aryan man, and everything that happens represents this war.
Though this is a war without borders, a war which takes place on the streets of every nation, a war which takes place in our personal lives, in the decisions we make, on the global scale Russia, with its anti-homosexual laws, its Christianity and its Patriarchal authority has come to represent Traditionalism, while America, the land of Hollywood, multiculture, porno and abortion on-demand has come to represent Marxism.
This is a battle between a creative force, that of God and the family, seeking to preserve and build upon that which came before us, against a destructive force, that of nihilistic materialism, which seeks to destroy all structure, to remove all spiritual purpose from existence.
In Femen, you have topless women out on the streets, flaunting their bodies, violating something which we have considered sacred since Eve ate the fruit and realized she was naked. This is representative of the Marxist agenda to push us back to the level of animals, thus destroying the complex social and spiritual institutions of Western Civilization. Shame of nakedness is an aspect of sexual restraint and sexual restraint is a core principle upon which any advanced society exists.

This is not to say that we did not celebrate the female form, we did indeed do so through artwork which featured naked women. But we celebrated it as something sacred. What the Jewish porno culture, of which Femen has become a prominent representative, does degrades this ideal, turning its mystical sensual power into a form of destructive violence. Feminists who push nudity as a form of liberation will even use the phrase “demystifying the female body.” This process of demystification amounts to a crushing of the higher spirit, a wallowing in the animal, as the forces of Jewry drive all which was once held high down into the dirt.
By the way, the Jew Jed Sunden’s people emailed me last time I wrote a Femen article and mentioned him and asked me to make it clear that he is no longer funding them. His publicist said he stopped when they began to branch out from talking about prostitution to other topics, and that Jed didn’t want to offend anyone’s religious beliefs. Anyway, now that they’ve taken off, they hardly need a private backer. They can now make money soliciting donations and selling impressions of their breasts for $69.