Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2014

The whores of Femen, having incited boredom rather than shock in the masses, even with massive media promotion, have decided to kick it up a notch.
They have staged a “protest” in front of the Vatican wherein they stick Crucifixes up their butts.
They were apparently protesting the Pope visiting the European Parliament because… I don’t know. The patriarchy or whatever.
Regrettably for these filthy whores, I still feel bored. I do feel a bit angry, but not really. I am feeling more of a “meh” type thing here.
This whole “woooo, I’m naked, look at me, Christianity is oppression, woooo, look over here, wooooo, wow, look at me” bit is just so completely stale that it comes across like a parody of itself.
This reminds me of an email I was recently sent by a feminist artist, Erica Radol (website, insta, Twitter), which I was going to post for a lol and then forgot about.

I didn’t get another reply.
Feminism, and liberalism more generally, is ompletely played out and lame, but it is so important to these people to feel like they are on the edge, they continue to pretend it is interesting and insightful/inciteful. They must have already realized that they cannot ever actually be interesting to anyone again, and anyone who claims to be interested is simply pretending because they too have a vested interest in this dumb false identity.
There was never content to begin with, it was all sexed-up pretense. Now that this has been made so explicitly clear to anyone with an IQ above 80, they have no choice but to get naked in front of the Vatican and simulate anal sex with Crucifixes.