Feminist Activist Beaten Up by Trannies for Not Being Sufficiently Pro-Tranny

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2017

A feminist activist was assaulted by cross-dressing men in London’s most infamous communist hang out, Hyde Park. The buttplug-left has gone so off the rails that now purple haired weirdos are being called “fascists” for not being weird enough!

This is an amusing escalation in the internal Judeo-left war between mentally ill men who amputate their penises or go out in their mother’s clothing and radical feminists who perceive gender as biological – known in the Tumblr/Antifa community as “TERFs” (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists).

Sex is indeed the product of biology, which is why the Judeo-left is now adding this to the long list of truths you should be jumped for believing. The Edinburgh chapter of a group called “Action for Trans Health” tweeted unambiguous support for assaulting all feminists that aren’t transsexuals because they too are “fascists.”

I have yet to see anyone on the Judeo-Left accept Rachel Dolezal or wiggers as black. The rationale and argument for transsexuals is exactly the same as Dolezal’s logic in identifying as black.

But that’s the problem: you can’t reason with these people. You can’t even have a conversation with them because their list of triggers expands every day, to the point where radical Marxist feminists are now being greenlit.  In this case, the attackers are mentally ill men in drag, so female leftists have no chance to physically defend themselves.

Watch that video again. A woman in red flailing her arms around in a strange pattern, another woman being robbed and beaten by a mob of cross dressing faggots, and some Jewish looking creature singing Doris Day’s Sera Sera on a bullhorn while it’s happening.

Conclusion: the Judeo-Left is a collection of psychotic degenerates, not an intellectual movement. It can only be put down the hard way.