Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2014

The latest idiocy from whining feminist whiners is “average Barbie,” a Barbie doll who is short and fat and allegedly based on the average form of a 19-year-old girl (methinks Blacks were averaged in here).
The doll was designed by a man, Nickolay Lamm, who is probably a Jew, but is being pushed by feminists to show that “average is beautiful.” Sorry, bitches, average is not beautiful, beautiful is beautiful. That is why it is called beautiful. It is better than average.
Marxism is about driving down greatness. This covers all forms of greatness. They tell us that blacks are as good as Whites, that retarded people are special and fat girls are beautiful.
Hilariously, the ET article about the Barbie had a “sexy pictures of Christ Hemsworth” link in the sidebar.

Obviously, most men do not look like Chris Hemsworth. Nor do men go around complaining about how they don’t look like Chris Hemsworth, or demand that Chris Hemsworth get flabby so they feel better about themselves. Men do not need to complain and demand such things, as they do not have the same level of inferiority complex that the average woman has. The reason that women have this complex is that they no longer are women, but fake men – and they tend to not be very good at this.
Feminists are neurotically insecure because they understand they have no actual function or purpose, so they need constant reassurance of their value lest they be forced to confront the reality that they have none.
To see how idiotic complaints about Barbie being too pretty are, just look at He-Man.

The whole point of fantasy is to portray things in ideal forms.
When I was a kid I wanted to be like He-Man – I wanted to be strong and I wanted to use my strength to protect goodness and destroy my enemies. It never once crossed my mind that I should feel bad about myself because I couldn’t actually become He-Man. And in any correct situation, it would be the same for girls and Barbie – it always was that way before feminists began whining.

“Standards of Beauty” Gibberish
Feminists are constantly pushing the idea that beauty is subjective. In reality, this is just a stupid lie. It is like claiming Blacks are as intellectually capable as Whites.
Beauty is in fact objectively measured. Or rather, sexual attractiveness is. The purpose of sex is to reproduce, and so sexual attractiveness in a woman is based on her apparent capacity to reproduce successfully. Barbie is basically the image of a fertility goddess.
For the record here, a woman is attracted to a man partially on the type of children he is likely to produce, but more than that on his ability to protect and provide for her and her children. So though she is intrigued by height and physical fitness, the bottom line is status, as it implies access to resources.
This is all just nature, and there isn’t anything wrong with it. It just is what it is. Attacking human sexual attraction processes as something that need to be altered on moral grounds is simply an attack on the order of nature itself – a realm that has absolutely nothing to do with subjective concepts of morality.
Who are These Evil Men?
Men are not, in reality, rejecting women because they aren’t perfect. All any decent man wants in a woman is that she is young, fit and has a pleasing personality. Some men will give extra points for huge breasts, others are more concerned about specific personality traits. Overall, however, the criteria that most men are looking for are easily met by most women.

And feminists know this. When they complain about Barbie, all they are doing is demonstrating not only that they are weak and insecure, but by attacking the ideal standard, they are in fact attacking the very concept of standards. They are demanding they be able to look and behave in any way they wish, and demanding that men simply accept it – more than that, that they like it. Meanwhile, men are being constantly issued new lists of bizarre requirements they must meet in order to keep their girlfriend from screwing random Black guys she meets at bars on the weekends.
Feminism gets more ridiculous by the hour, and that is a good thing. Eventually, how goofy and destructive this all is will be apparent to everyone – women most of all.