Feral Black Yells “I Hate White People” Before Punching 84-Year-Old White Man

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2017

John Stewart.

It’s almost as if they want to exterminate us…

New York Daily News:

An 84-year-old man was punched in the head by a subway psycho who said he hates white people, but the plucky victim says he’s taking it in stride and feels sorry for his attacker.

“I hate white people and I hope they burn in hell!” the unhinged straphanger shouted.

In fact, Stewart even needed urging from a friend, a retired NYPD chief, to report the attack five days after it happened, police sources said.

Cops tracked down a 17-year-old witness who called 911, sources said. The witness told cops she saw Stewart board the train carrying a cane and a rolling suitcase, and the attacker grabbed his cane and threw it, apparently unprovoked. She got up and picked up the cane, returning it to Stewart.

That’s when the attacker punched Stewart and a second, unidentified man. He tried to hit Stewart again, but she intervened, she told police.

She described the suspect as black, about 5-foot-7, in his mid-20s, wearing a red shirt, black jean shorts, small box braids and a beard.

But don’t forget about sword guy who randomly sworded that one Black all that time ago, remember that one time that a White attacked a Black? This is all justified.