Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2014

Apparently, the rumors of the imminent Negrocalypse were highly exaggerated – it’s still a week away.
Ferguson mayor James Knowles told The Daily Caller on Friday that the 12-person grand jury, which meets every Wednesday, was still hearing evidence this week and that a decision would not come “for at least a week.”
Ed Magee, a spokesman for St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCullough, who is presenting the case to the grand jury, confirmed the same, telling KSDK on Friday that a decision would not be made until next weekend at the earliest.
McCullough had initially stated that the grand jury would return a decision by mid-November.
Speculation peaked Friday that the decision was coming this weekend. Several helicopters were spotted flying over a St. Louis suburb, leading many to believe that National Guard troops were being flown in to stave off any civil unrest that could ignite if the grand jury decides not to charge Wilson.
CNN reported that protest groups are asking for at least 48 hours notice before the release of the decision so as they have time to brace themselves (they are also asking that “peaceful protesters” not be charged for “minor” acts of violence against police).
Well, regrettably, 48 years wouldn’t be enough time to brace for what is going to go down.
This could, quite literally, be the beginning of the end of the world.
God help us.