Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2014

Black riot squads in Clayton, a Missouri city about 20 minutes from Ferguson, are planning to shut down the place following the Michael Brown grand jury announcement in which Hero Darren Wilson will obviously be declared innocent.
KTVI reports that a meeting described as a “training session” was held by the riot squad Thursday to prepare for the announcement. Organizers said they plan to have hundreds or thousands of “demonstrators” arrive in the city of Clayton to “protest.”
They plan to shut down highway exists, block traffic and engage in various other illegal acts designed to cause chaos.
Please note that this is not even in Ferguson, but in a city outside of it. The plans for Ferguson are no doubt much larger in scale and better organized.
They say it won’t be violent. The whole world lols.
“We want the people to know these meetings are about non-violence direct action. Some of it will be people talking people expressing themselves. There’s nothing we’re doing to try to create violence. We don’t want to diminish tension without there being change.” Don’t Shoot Coalition Co-Chair Michael McPhearson told KTVI.