Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 27, 2014

The protests in Ferguson and across the country are already dying down. This is unsurprising, as Black people do not like cold weather.
There was a mass arrest in California.
Tensions eased in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson on Thursday after two nights of violence and looting sparked by racially charged anger over a grand jury’s decision to clear a white police officer in the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager.
Protests also dwindled elsewhere in the United States as the Thanksgiving Day holiday and wintry weather kept many indoors. But in California, more than 250 people were arrested in rallies over the past two days that shut highways in major cites.
Police said two people were arrested in overnight protests in Ferguson. The grand jury’s decision on Monday not to charge Wilson sparked angry protests, and more than 100 people were taken into custody on Monday and Tuesday nights as buildings were torched and stores looted, with police in riot gear using tear gas to disperse crowds.
“Protests will continue. This has ignited everyone’s desire for change,” said Pam Ned Davis, one of a handful of people who turned out for a Wednesday night protests in Ferguson that police said were without major incident.
It has only been 500 people arrested total. Not surprising that half these arrests were in the warmest place where there are a bunch of Blacks.
I’ll just go through a few of the other Ferguson happenings here.
The Blacks are planning to protest Black Friday. I guess because Christmas discount deals are a White conspiracy…?

A loose network led by African Americans in the film and arts world has emerged from the fog of tear gas to call for a quiet riot in response: a boycott of Black Friday shopping.
Ryan Coogler, who directed the 2013 film about police brutality called “Fruitvale Station,” told us he was confounded by the eruptions of “human rights violations committed by public servants.”
“There are three ways you can express yourself,” Coogler said. “You can vote. You can protest. You can choose how you spend your money that goes to America’s corporations that hold a lot of power.”
“We’ve got to fight the powers that be!” proclaimed Public Enemy’s Chuck D in 1989. With the embers of Ferguson still smoldering, it is clear that the struggle continues. But by taking their purchasing power away on retailers’ favorite day of the year, the voice of blacks in America, and their allies, may echo more loudly in its absence from shopping malls and big box stores.
Here’s the guy’s clever YouTube video promoting the boycott:
I lol’d.
The Associated Press is again engaging in an attempt to further inflame the situation by claiming that the Grand Jury was part of a racist conspiracy.
An Associated Press review of thousands of pages of grand jury documents reveals numerous examples of statements made during the shooting investigation that were inconsistent, fabricated or provably wrong. For one, the autopsies ultimately showed Brown was not struck by any bullets in his back.
Prosecutors exposed these inconsistencies before the jurors, which likely influenced their decision not to indict Wilson in Brown’s death.
Bob McCulloch, the St. Louis County prosecutor, said the grand jury had to weigh testimony that conflicted with physical evidence and conflicting statements by witnesses as it decided whether Wilson should face charges.
“Many witnesses to the shooting of Michael Brown made statements inconsistent with other statements they made and also conflicting with the physical evidence. Some were completely refuted by the physical evidence,” McCulloch said.
The decision Monday not to charge Wilson with any crime set off more violent protests in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson and around the country, fueled by claims that the unarmed black 18-year-old was shot while surrendering to the white officer in the mostly African-American city.
What people thought were facts about the Aug. 9 shooting have become intertwined with what many see as abuses of power and racial inequality in America.
And media coverage of the shooting’s aftermath made it into the grand jury proceedings. Before some witnesses testified, prosecutors showed jurors clips of the same people making statements on TV.
Their inconsistencies began almost immediately after the shooting, from people in the neighborhood, the friend walking with Brown during the encounter and even one woman who authorities suggested probably wasn’t even at the scene at the time.
Jurors also were presented with dueling versions from Wilson and Dorian Johnson, who was walking with Brown during the Aug. 9 confrontation. Johnson painted Wilson as provoking the violence, while Wilson said Brown was the aggressor.
But Johnson also declared on TV, in a clip played for the grand jury, that Wilson fired at least one shot at his friend while Brown was running away: “It struck my friend in the back.”
Here’s a fun one.
In this clip a White chick lectures a Black cop about racism, while an Alex Jones fanboy rambles on about the New World Order in the background.
The officer answered that he had grown up in Jackson, Mississippi during the Jim Crow era. “I know racism. I can spot it,” he said.
She was not satisfied. “Do you accept that there are covert types of racism?” she asked, citing an example of a woman clutching her purse tightly when he entered an elevator. “Racism is a structure of power,” she insisted. “You are a black man. You are kept down by your race, even if you won’t accept it.”
He threw the challenge back at her. “Think about it. There are people who don’t like me–they don’t know me–because of my uniform. Is that discrimination or not? Yes or no?”
“That’s a bias,” she said. “Job discrimination is different. I’m talking about your race. The color of your skin…You’re a black man. You’ll never reach the same pinnacle as a white man in this system, because you are black.” Others, gathered nearby, applauded loudly.
The officer then asked the student what she did in her free time, noting that he tutored students in his community.
“Are you helping your black community out?” she demanded.
“It doesn’t matter what the race is,” he replied. “Yes it does!” the demonstrators shouted.
“So I should go to a school and volunteer with all African-American kids…but all the others–the Asian, the Hispanic kids–not help them out? That’s wrong,” he replied.
“Color is color,” she insisted.
Finally, in what is perhaps the funniest thing yet to come out of this funniest ever situation (besides maybe that Alex Jones threat video), Arab protest leader Bassem Masri had his iPhone jacked by one of the Black rioters.
The goofy sand ape then blamed the police, as he pet Negro rioters could never do such a thing.

I sure do hate that guy.
It looks like the government made the right decision by waiting on the cold weather to release the decision.
Nothing is going to happen this time around.
Though we are one step closer to the final showdown between the forces of light and those of darkness.
The saga continues!