Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2016

All things must evolve, and the New Germans presently engaged in the process of subduing Germany through wide-spread gang-rape and other forms of sexual assault have just kicked it up a notch with ficki ficki 2.0: date rape drugs.
To deal with this evolution of the enrichers’ sex mass rape campaign, racist German Nazis have banned innocent and vulnerable asylum seekers from their nightclubs.

Oh yes, gentlemen: Nazism is alive and well today. We must protect these innocent vulnerables by repealing rape laws which have been designed to oppress Moslems in the same way that US laws against dealing crack cocaine were designed to oppress Blacks.
A German university city with a Green party migrant-supporting administration has banned refugees from several nightclubs following complaints from females of sexual harassment and theft.
Women have allegedly complained to managers of clubs in Freiburg, southwest Germany, about being fed date-rape drugs and being accosted in toilets.
Another woman claimed she had been raped while a bouncer was allegedly stabbed by a migrant.
One club now issues special cards to foreigners in which they are allowed entry only if they agree to reject ‘violence, sexism and discrimination.‘ Other nightspots have apparently enforced a blanket ban.
According to local media reports, the problem extends to six discos in the town.
‘No more entry for asylum seekers,’ was the headline in the weekend edition of the newspaper Badische Zeitung.
Freiburg’s welfare and social services leader Ulrich von Kirchbach warned: ‘It is discrimination. One cannot rule out a whole group of people like this.’
But he too is a cowardly racist, as he refuses to address the real issue: Germany must repeal its oppressive rape laws which are designed to target minorities. While they’re at it, they also need to repeal oppressive laws against stabbing.
He said most of the 3,000 asylum seekers in the town on the border with Switzerland behaved themselves and that a few ‘black sheep’ can be found anywhere.
Exactly right. There are a few bad apples in every bushel. It isn’t like there didn’t used to be mass sexual assault at German nightclubs.

If it wasn’t Arabian migrants doing this, White British people would be doing it.
Police spokeswoman Laura Riske said that the police in town were not aware of sexual assaults in the clubs.
‘There are always thefts,’ she added, but the ethnic background of the perpetrators is largely unknown.‘The operators of these establishments have authority over who they do and do not let in,’ she added, but warned that blanket bans on all refugees would be illegal under law.
The management of one music club, the White Rabbit, issued a statement last week saying: ‘We have decided that, for time being, we will not allow into the club people who possess only a temporary residence permit’ – the paperwork issued to refugees while their claims of asylum are processed.’
It added: ‘This is not an easy thing to do but we see no other way as currently we are experiencing problems with refugees.’
But the club has since issued the cards for those refugees willing to renounce violence and sexism.
One woman, aged 46, told the Badische Zeitung she had been in the White Rabbit in December when a large group of African men had come and ‘bothered’ guests.
‘I was surrounded and marginalised while dancing,’ she said. ‘The situation was full of male violence. I felt threatened.’
“I felt threatened” is a codeword for “lynch these niggers.”
It is just the same as in the American South – women would lie about being sexually assaulted by Blacks, then the mob would lynch innocent Blacks randomly.
It is harrowing to watch Nazism once again raise its head in Germany.