Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2014

Holding true to their beliefs and fighting the real sources of true diabolical power in America, the anti-establishment freedom fighters claiming to be “Anonymous” have backed up the disenfranchised US government and powerless media empires and taken harassment actions against a few working class old guys in Missouri.
Way to fight the power, guys! I’m sure Eric Holder, Barack Obama, the Jews and the entire media feel so relieved that you helped them out in their time of need by attacking the one force which truly threatens freedoms: the Ku Klux Klan.
You guys truly are like the rebel alliance taking on the death star! Saving the helpless and oppressed government and media from the empire of the Klan!

So originality! Such edgy! Wow!
They attacked the KKK after one of their chapters had said they would defend people if they were attacked by Blacks. And as everyone knows, White people do not have a right to defend themselves if they are attacked by a Blacks – it is only the capitalists who believe that – and anyone who claims that Whites do have a right to defend themselves must be silenced, because they are the system which oppresses innocent people like Eric Holder and the media.

“Sounds to me like a bunch of kids in their mom’s basement whacking off,” Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK accurately told the NY Daily News.
He also invited the “Anonymous” faggots to come meet him on the streets. Obviously, this is not going to happen, because these are faggot cowards.
If it did happen, they wouldn’t even get a chance to meet the KKK, because the Blacks they support would attack them and probably kill and eat them first.

Same Faggots
These are the same script kiddie faggots who attacked us yesterday, but we’ve got defenses.
The same guy who attacked us a few months ago posted yesterday to let us know.

One thing about all heroes fighting for the rights of oppressed persons is that they falsely accuse the bad guys of child porno. And having brown babies. It is the heroic action.
Anyway, these faggots can keep harassing poor old men. They can do aught to us, save cause a bit of annoyance. They are not even literate, as the above comment demonstrates.

All that these faggots are doing is showing that we truly are disenfranchised, with all forces which exist attempting to silence us – including those who allegedly rebel against the system to promote freedom.
They prove our point, and the public is capable of seeing that.
They are doing our work for us.