Filipino Who Converted to Islam Worked with FBI to Plot Bombing of Fake “White Nationalist” Event

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2019

Things just keep getting weirder.


A U.S. combat veteran of the war in Afghanistan who prosecutors say plotted to detonate multiple nail bombs at a Los Angeles-area white nationalist rally, seeking to cause mass casualties, was arrested in an FBI sting operation, federal prosecutors said on Monday.

Mark Steven Domingo, 26, a U.S. Army infantryman who recently converted to Islam, was taken into custody on Friday after undercover FBI operatives furnished him with what he thought were live bombs to be used in the attack, law enforcement officials said.

Authorities said Domingo, who had no prior criminal record, came to their attention because of a series of violent extremist messages he posted in online chat rooms, one of which called for “retribution” for the massacre of 50 people at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, by a gunman in March.

“Often we are asked what keeps us up at night. This is a case that keeps us up at night,” Ryan Young, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, told a news conference in Los Angeles.

Domingo, who had purchased several hundred long nails to serve as shrapnel in the homemade pressure-cooker bombs, had also suggested attacks on Jews, police officers, churches, a military facility, Southern California freeways and the Santa Monica Pier during internet conversations with the FBI operatives, Young said.

Please note that the FBI gave him the weapons, which means that the FBI plotted this entire operation and set this guy up.

When the FBI provides weapons, it always means that they’ve found someone who is unstable and entrapped them in a plot that they themselves have invented.

They found this Pinoy in a chat room ranting and then pretended to be Islamic terror advisors and planned this operation for him.

Remember that Filipinos are ripe for this sort of thing. That guy who was allegedly sending the fake bombs to politicians last year was also a Pinoy.

That also appeared to be some kind of bizarre fed hoax.

We know for a fact that the FBI plotted the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and gave live explosives to a mentally unstable individual to blow the place up. So we do know that they at least sometimes follow through with the terrorism plots they entrap people in.

Given that, I think it is reasonable to consider the possibility that someone at the FBI was planning to purposefully bomb a White Nationalist rally, using a patsy. I don’t have any suggestions as to why they would do that, but it is something that should be considered.

We are currently relying only on the wire services for the details of this story, but Reuters goes on to give some more details about how the feds set up this man.

According to the criminal complaint, an FBI operative established contact with Domingo in a private online chat room in March, leading to discussions in which Domingo expressed support for Islamic militants and the desire to seek revenge for attacks on Muslims.

In one of his earliest posts, he suggested that “America needs another Vegas event,” an apparent reference to the 2017 mass shooting at a country music concert in Las Vegas where a lone gunman perched in a nearby hotel killed 58 people and wounded hundreds, the complaint alleged.

Domingo, who said he wanted to become a martyr, also made reference to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, according to the complaint. During one meeting in person with an FBI operative, he arrived carrying an AK 47-style assault rifle, telling the informant: “I just wanted to show you that I’m serious.”

According to a law enforcement database, Domingo is the registered owner of three semi-automatic rifles. An FBI spokeswoman said received a less-than-honorable discharge from the Army.

Prosecutors say Domingo contemplated drive-by shootings and detonating a bomb at the Santa Monica pier before deciding to bomb a rally scheduled for Sunday, April 28, in the Los Angeles suburb of Long Beach that he believed was organized by white nationalists.

Domingo and two FBI informants visited the planned site of the rally to scout the best location to place explosives to cause the greatest casualties, authorities said, agreeing that they would leave the scene separately to throw off suspicion. He as arrested shortly after placing one of the mock bombs into the vehicle of an informant.

The April 28 “White Nationalist” event that the attack was planned to be against is in itself very suspicious, and may well have been set up specifically for this purpose.

According to the Press-Telegram, a local California paper, the event was posted on Facebook, but no one ended up attending other than counter-protesters.

The event does not appear to have been explicitly “white nationalist,” but instead a “patriots for freedom” type thing.

An April 26 article in the Press-Telegram reports:

Warnings of a white nationalist rally at Bluff Park on April 28 have spread through Long Beach in neighborhood fliers and social media posts for the past few weeks — though it’s unclear whether the event is still on.

The event, called “Freedom’s Safest Place,” was created by a right-wing Facebook group last month. The group, which has since changed its name, describes itself as “a page for freedom-loving Americans.”

But after community groups, particularly the Long Beach United Anti-Racist Neighborhood Front, began building opposition to the rally, the Facebook event for it was deleted.

The Facebook page for the group organizing the rally does not explicitly reference white nationalism or supremacy. But the Anti-Racist Neighborhood Front linked a man known for attending white nationalist rallies to the “Freedom’s Safest Place” gathering in its fliers alerting the community.

Canceling an event because someone put up flyers against it is not normal procedure with these things.

Things get more interesting when we look at the event’s planner, Antonio Foreman.

I will not accuse this man of being an FBI informant, because I have no idea and I certainly have no desire to defame someone I’ve never heard of before. However, given the details of all of the rest of this, and his history of involvement in right wing political activism, it is certainly not outrageous to wonder if he is being manipulated or handled by someone.

The SPLC has a page on him, detailing his involvement in all kinds of different events, ranging from the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017, to the Jew Laura Loomer’s bizarre of Nancy Pelosi’s house protest in January of this year.

He was Baked Alaska’s bodyguard and has also been involved with the Oath Keepers.

At Unite the Right, he allegedly assaulted an SPLC employee, but was never charged for this, and was instead simply banned from returning to the University of Virginia. It is shocking to me that an SPLC employee would not press charges against someone who assaulted him.

Two months before the rally, in on June 17, 2017, Foreman was allegedly stabbed seven times in a Santa Monica parking lot in what he claimed was a politically motivated attack but which the police determined was not.

Foreman has also been in Arizona, involved with anti-immigration protests with the Patriot Movement of Arizona (PMAZ), and was involved in some confrontations.

So this is a guy who apparently travels around the country to all kinds of different right-wing events as a support figure and regularly gets into confrontations.

But for some reason, he planned an event in Long Beach and then canceled it because some hippies put up signs.

That same event was the target of an FBI hoax bombing by a Mexican Islamic convert patsy.

This is just the information that we have.

I don’t know what to make of it.

But it is difficult to believe that the FBI would plan a hoax bombing at a real event and then that event would be canceled by coincidence due to threat of confrontation by a man known for loving confrontation.

You could come up with all types of different theories here:

  • The FBI just wanted to do a sting on someone, so got Foreman (probably against his own knowledge) to set up an event and then cancel it as part of the narrative of the sting
  • Certain people in the FBI were planning to actually bomb a right-wing event that they themselves organized, but that was shot down by others in the FBI, so the event was canceled and the patsy arrested
  • The FBI was planning to bomb an event that was independently setup by Foreman, and when he canceled the event, they decided to just arrest the patsy

There are other variations you can think of and some I’m sure I haven’t thought of, but the whole thing is very weird.

One thing is for certain: the FBI did not protect anyone from anything, they found a random unhinged Pinoy in a chat room and set him up. This could be totally straightforward, or it could be something much more ominous.

I do think it is worthwhile to consider the possibility that the FBI as an organization, or perhaps simply certain elements within the FBI, are interested in provoking Moslems and White Nationalists into having a race war with one another.

That could be for a number of different reasons, but most likely, it would be that they view this type of violence as inevitable (especially after the Brenton Tarrant event), and want to get out in front of it so they can control all of the various variables as much as possible.