Film Warning White Children of Non-White Rapists was Supressed for 7 Years Because it was ‘Racist’

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 22, 2014

The film, My Dangerous Loverboy, was made following reports of vulnerable girls being passed around by groups of men for sex in Yorkshire, claims the producer.

It was so well known to the authorities that non-Whites were grooming and raping White children, that this educative film was made in order to warn other children so that it did not happen to them.

But the ‘Anti-Racists’ at the top of the pyramid thought it was more important that the rapists were allowed to continue finding more White victims, so they caused the film to be canned.

It even won awards at international festivals, but was never promoted nationally in Britain.


An educational film warning schoolgirls about Asian grooming gangs was canned seven years ago by ­officials scared of being branded racist, it has been claimed.

Called My Dangerous Loverboy, it was specially commissioned in 2007 by child protection chiefs based in Yorkshire – rocked by revelations 1,400 girls were abused by Asian gangs in the town of Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.

A TV producer who worked on the project claims the film was made following reports of vulnerable girls being passed around groups of men for sex.

The woman – who we are not naming – revealed: “The project was set up to specifically raise schoolkids’ awareness of the dangers.

“The police and social workers were very clear it was Asian men who were seducing white British girls.

1,400 White victims, in just one town alone.

“The police wanted to raise awareness without upsetting community relations but the issues were that the girls were often in care or vulnerable and the local Asian people would turn a blind eye.”

She says men would pick up girls at shopping centres.

“They’d flatter them, drive them about. When the girl had fallen for them, they’d say, ‘Well, if you do love me, you’d have sex with my friend’.”

My Dangerous Loverboy is a 20-minute drama about an Asian man in his 20s grooming a younger white girl, lavishing her with gifts and plying her with drink before forcing her to have sex for money.

The brief from 2007 states: “Through a national awareness raising campaign, and targeted education and prevention ­measures we can assist existing victims to escape and prevent others becoming involved in such a lifestyle.”

The film, commissioned by the UK Human ­Trafficking Centre, now part of the National Crime Agency, won plaudits at
international media festivals, yet it was never promoted UK-wide.

The film-maker added: “The police were well-meaning and one female officer particularly wanted to make a real ­difference but it seems their bosses were uneasy about the race issues.”

She went on: “I can’t help wondering how many girls the film might have saved from being sexually exploited if the UKHTC and  police had put their needs before political correctness.”

The scum that banned this educative film from being shown should be tried and hanged for what they have done.

They are still trying to cover up the ethnicity of non-White criminals even now.