Filthy Black Scumbag Obama Rails Against Russia to Pole-Cucks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 8, 2016


“Oh, big strong Black buck, oh yeah, he gonna protect me from dem bad ol Russians, yeah, oh, I like that, yeah. Oh, yeah, I’m watchin ya, yeah, I like watchin ya protect me from them nasty Russians, yeah. Feels so good when you protect me, big strong Black buck, yeah, I like it real good.” -Poland on Obama visit

So, while Obama’s sons are killing cops, basically as a direct result of his continuing incitement of them, he’s over in Poland openly trying to start a war with Russia for no reason anyone can even explain, other than his alleged deep personal love for the Former Soviet Republic of the Ukraine.


Brexit was something that U.S. President Barack Obama sought to avoid. But, since the United Kingdom finally voted to leave the European Union, the American leader, who will leave office in January, is now urging NATO leaders to keep the Western defense alliance strong to counter the growing Russian aggression.

Obama agreed that Brexit has raised concerns about the future of EU, but he also reinforced the need to defend every NATO partner. He also pushed for continued economic sanctions on Moscow until it fully obeys a ceasefire agreement in eastern Ukraine.

“In Warsaw, we must reaffirm our determination — our duty under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty — to defend every NATO ally,” Obama said, adding that the West should help Ukraine defend its sovereignty against Russia. “We need to bolster the defense of our allies in central and eastern Europe, strengthen deterrence and boost our resilience against new threats, including cyberattacks.

Yes, pledging to start a World War to defend Poland worked great last time.

Why not try for round two?

Last month, NATO announced that the alliance will deploy four multinational battalions to the Baltic states and Poland on a rotational basis to counter Russian aggression. At NATO’s summit Friday, the alliance is expected to formally agree to the deployment of the battalions with 3,000 to 4,000 troops.


The summit in Warsaw, which will witness the first meeting of the U.S. president with European leaders since the historic referendum vote, is also expected to focus on sustained cooperation between the U.S. and the EU on burning issues if the U.K. leaves the union.


However, Russia believes that the decisions that might be taken at the Warsaw summit could undermine efforts to strengthen security in Europe.“A confrontational agenda, in which we are not interested, is being offered to us,” Alexander Grushko, Russian Permanent Representative to NATO, reportedly said in an interview. “NATO should understand that all these measures will have a reverse effect from the military point of view.”

The Kremlin also reportedly said Friday that it was “absurd” for NATO to fear any threat from Russia. According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Russia would remain open to dialogue with the military alliance and would cooperate with it.

So just to be clear here: Russia is saying they want to talk, that they have no interest in conflict.

Meanwhile, the West is refusing to hold any talks whatsoever with Russia, claiming Russia is being “aggressive,” while they are moving troops to the Russian border and installing missile systems in Romania aimed at Russia.

How can any right-thinking person take this situation seriously?

It is theater of the absurd to the nth degree.


At least twice a day I sit down and ask myself if I am actually living in reality or if I have slipped into some alternate dimension resembling an endless acid trip.

Poland is open about their desire for a NATO-led war of aggression against Russia, so at least they’re being straightforward. But these claims by Obama and the EU that Russia is trying to start trouble are simply idiotic and nonsensical.

All you have to know about the situation is that Russia wants to talk and the West is refusing to talk. Obviously, there is nothing to be lost from a conversation. But they are just saying “no, we won’t do that, instead we are going to mass troops on their border. Because they are bad. They are bad because we say they are bad. Also, blah blah blah gay rights blah blah blah Ukraine.”