Filthy Christ-Killing Jews Gather Across the Country to Demand Terrorists Flood America

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2017

Donald Trump is the real terrorist, goyim.

He hurt people’s feelings with words.


Over 100 years ago, Barnett Levine was greeted by the New York skyline and the Statue of Liberty as he arrived in the United States, having fled anti-Semitism and pogroms in his native Poland. Today his grandson saw those very same sights when he joined about 700 others in New York’s Battery Park at a rally protesting President Donald Trump’s executive order banning all refugees from the country for 120 days.

“I am the grandchild of four immigrants who came here when the gates of the United States were wide open and they made a life here. … I think that it is the duty of the Jewish community to pay this forward to other immigrants who are trying to come to the United States,” Harold Levine, a 60-year-old marketing consultant, told JTA.

The rally was organized by HIAS, formerly known as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, part of an initiative by the immigrant resettlement group called the “National Day of Jewish Action for Refugees,” protesting Trump’s executive order.

The president issued the order last month, banning refugees from the country for 120 days and citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days. On Thursday, a federal appeals court ruling upheld a stay on the ban, a move praised by Jewish groups, including HIAS.

Thousands attended rallies on Sunday as part of the HIAS initiative, including in Boston, Washington D.C, and other major cities, a representative for the group told JTA.

Mark Hetfield, CEO of HIAS, said the rallies, which were co-sponsored by over 20 groups — including the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, American Jewish World Service, the Union for Reform Judaism and the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly — were a rare moment of joining together in support of refugees.

“I haven’t seen anything like this since I got my start [with HIAS] in 1989, which was at the height of the Soviet Jewry movement. This is a galvanizing moment like that, but the difference is that then we were standing up for Jews, and now we are standing up as Jews,” said Hetfield.

Yeah, you might want to watch that.

People are starting to recognize these strange patterns with you “people.”

We are in the early stages, but as you rats should have learned, this process can go pretty fast.

I mean.

If I were Jew, I’d be like “AYO HOL UP FELLOW JEWS – maybe we should like, chill out for a minute here. I think maybe the goyim know.”

But go ahead, Jews.

Far be it from me to interrupt my enemy in the middle of a mistake.