Filthy Faggot Hastert Admits to Buggering Boys as Man’s Sister Says He Made Boy Go Faggot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2016


Dennis Hastert the boy-buggerer was one of the most powerful men in the government during the Bush years. Rumor has it that Bush himself is a homo.

There is no doubt in my mind that this fat faggot got so high up in the government specifically because they knew about his boy-buggery.

That’s the system: they find the most twisted assholes on the planet and put them in charge of everything, knowing they can never do a single thing other than what they’re told to do.

ABC News:

Dennis Hastert’s lawyer today said the former speaker of the House acknowledges that “as a young man he committed transgressions,” and said he apologizes, one day after federal prosecutors revealed disturbing new details about sexual abuse he allegedly committed decades ago.

The 26-page filing released late Friday accuses the man who was once second in line for the presidency of a series of sexual encounters with four minors when Hastert was a high school wrestling coach in Illinois in the late 1960s and 1970s, and then of trying to lie about it when confronted by the FBI.

“Mr. Hastert acknowledges that as a young man he committed transgressions for which he is profoundly sorry. He earnestly apologizes to his former students, family, friends, previous constituents and all others affected by the harm his actions have caused,” Hastert attorney Thomas Green said in a statement released today.

“As stated in our sentencing memorandum, we note that for the last four decades he has made every effort to be a positive force in the lives of others,” Green said. “We also advised the Court that the profound humiliation and public shaming Mr. Hastert has and will continue to experience, coupled with the resulting isolation and abandonment he has endured, are already significant punishment and have undoubtedly contributed to his fragile medical condition. He accepts responsibility for his conduct, seeks no special consideration, and is prepared to receive the Court’s sentence.”

Federal prosecutors, in detailing the allegations publicly for the first time, accused Hastert of “stunning hypocrisy,” noting that he had built his early political career largely on the foundation of his work as a teacher, coach and mentor to his students.

Of his alleged victims, the prosecutors wrote that Hastert “made them feel alone, ashamed, guilty and devoid of dignity. While defendant achieved great success, reaping all the benefits that went with it, these boys struggled, and all are still struggling now with what defendant did to them.”

Hastert’s alleged decades-old misconduct stayed secret for years, until 2010 when prosecutors say Individual A confronted Hastert and asked him why he had done it.

“After a long pause, defendant [Hastert] said that it was a confusing and difficult time in his life,” the filing alleges.

The two eventually came to an agreement in which Hastert would pay Individual A $3.5 million, but everything began to unravel after federal authorities started asking questions about Hastert’s bank withdrawals. After initially claiming that he was just trying to avoid the hassles of answering questions from the bank, Hastert’s attorneys contacted the FBI and claimed he was being extorted by a former student over a false claim of sexual misconduct.

Hastert then agreed to cooperate with the government’s investigation, including secretly recording two conversations with his former student, with the FBI listening in.

But when the FBI heard those conversations, agents began to doubt Hastert’s story, and eventually came to believe that it was Hastert who was lying, not his former student.

Hastert pleaded guilty in December to a financial crime involving the purported hush money payments.

He technically faces a maximum penalty of five years, but according to the terms of his plea deal, prosecutors recommended he serve no more than six months. His defense team wants probation. Prosecutors are also asking the judge to require Hastert to under sex offender evaluation, and to comply with any recommended treatment.

Yeah, he’ll walk.

That’s the system.

Here’s one of the victim’s sister talking about how this fat bastard made her brother gay by molesting him.

She doesn’t explicitly say Hastert made him a faggot, but says his first man-on-man sex was with Hastert – meaning Hastert made him gay, almost certainly.

Her brother is now dead, probably from GRIDS.

There’s your Christian conservatism.

We need TRUMP NOW to clean out this nest of diseased rats!

prostitute 6

George W. Bush was regularly seen kissing the gay prostitute/White House news shill Jeff Gannon.


In 1989, The Washington Times reported that there was a gayboy prostitute scandal in the Reagan-Bush White House. The story immediately disappeared.

Here’s a documentary about gay boy-sex in the government.

And it goes on and on and on.

Haven’t thought about this stuff much in the last few years, I was very up on it a decade ago when I was in the “truth movement.” Of course, a lot of stuff from the truth movement was actually true, including this gay stuff. In fact, all of these people in the British government that David Icke accused of boy-buggering turned out to be boy-buggerers. Obviously, David Icke says  lot of wacky stuff, but he was open-minded and willing to listen to people and ended up uncovering some serious truth.

I can write about this stuff more in the future if people are interested. The situation is basically identical in the UK – faggots and weirdos everywhere.