Daily Stormer
August 7, 2013

Filthy Jew Mayor of San Diego, Bob Filner, has been caught engaging in typical Jewish pervert behavior.
The especially funny part is he was doing it not to simple secretaries or interns, but rather high level employees, constituents, psychologists, council members, etc..
Here is a bit of what this Jew was up to:
Filner is accused by three former supporters of forcibly kissing two constituents and groping the butt and breast of a staff member.
[…]At a press conference on July 15 Donna Frye, a former city councilwoman and supporter of Filner, said that the mayor is “tragically unsafe for any women to approach.”
Laura Fink is a political consultant who formerly worked for Filner. She stepped forward with similar allegations on July 23, telling KPBS News that Filner — then a congressman — patted her butt during a fundraiser in 2005.
Morgan Rose, a psychologist in the San Diego Unified School District, also accused Filner of trying to kiss her four times at a public restaurant in 2009.
[…]Filner’s ex-fiancee Bronwyn Ingram said that she broke off her relationship with Filner over a “severe deterioration in Bob’s ability to engage with anyone in a civil manner” This, included her.
On July 15, Ingram accused Filner of sending sexually explicit messages to other women while in her presence, even setting up dates with some of them, according to KPBS. Ingram also says that during a recent trip to Paris, Filner screamed at her in public without provocation.
[…]Irene McCormack Jackson, Filner’s former communications director, alleges in a lawsuit that the mayor suggested, “Wouldn’t it be great if you took off your panties and worked without them on?”
The lawsuit makes numerous other allegations against Filner, including that he tried to kiss McCormack and put her in a headlock.
[…]Several other women beside McCormack recall Filner putting them in a headlock. In fact, the move even had its own name, according to accusers (“the Filner headlock“).
San Diego businesswoman Patti Roscoe recalled being subjected to Filner’s patented move.
“And on numerous occasions, he put in me what I guess now is the famous headlock; and I felt fearful, even as well as I knew him, because it was an invasion into my space,” Roscoe told KPBS. “And he would come in and try to kiss me on the lips and I’d have to squirm to get away.”
[…]Renee Estill-Sombright, a bank employee and singer, ran into Filner after she sung the national anthem in June at a church fundraiser in La Jolla to benefit African refugees.
She alleges that Filner made unwanted advances at her.
“Oh you’re so beautiful, you’re so beautiful,” Filner said to Estill-Sombright, she told the San Diego Union-Tribune. “I want to take you out. This is a private invite, not a social invite.”