Then there came a time, when a group of heroes heard the herald call… to spam the word “kike” on Twitter.
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2014

Our nemesis has returned! And fun times are on the way!
Let me just take a moment here, before we get started.
Okay. So.
We learned yesterday that the conniving Jewish bitch Luciana Berger is back in the game, after having retreated for weeks from the public eye, apparently spending this time updating the security system at her compound.
Regrettably for this bitch, we never left the game. We are still on our game, we are still in the game – we are the game, biiiiiitch!

The sneaking Jew has come forth from the shadows to announce a campaign to bully Twitter into keyword blocking the word “kike.”
So then, our job: flood the Twitter tubes with the word “kike.”
By doing so, we will prove the kike Berger’s point to Twitter, and put Twitter in a position where it either has to cave to a keyword banning policy to protect the chosen people, or face ongoing pressure from the Jewish Occupation government of the UK.
Though Berger obviously believes that Jews are the only humans with feelings, and has no issue publicly asserting the “specialness” of Jews, Twitter would have a difficult time arguing that Jews are the only people who deserve to be protected by a keyword blocker, and very quickly they would be pressured into blocking “nigger,” then “faggot,” then probably “slut” and “bitch” and so on until this eventually made the site into a complete censorship fest.
Surely, Twitter is going to resist that, but when Berger is getting Kikestormed, and the rest of the Jews on Twitter are as well, she will be forced to continue on with the campaign to have the feelings of god’s chosen protected by Twitter.
This will force the fever pitch we saw last time, as the Jew Agent Mann, protector of Luciana gets involved, brings a bunch more parliament Jews in, and the Jew media circles the wagons to demand Twitter shut it down.

People who witness these Jews whining about how no one has a right to question them because it hurts their feelings automatically bypass the “oh the poor poor Jews” conditioning and get angry that this Jewess is so arrogant she wants the whole world to change to protect her feelings.
Again, again, again – our goal is to maximize drama and bring light on the issue that Jews are trying to silence free speech for reasons which are fundamentally Jewish in nature. It is a big deal and it is something that normal people are able to recognize.

Nevermind the Haters – We’re Definitely Winning
Of course, the haters in our comments section (who may be Jew or simply just confused – more likely they are just haters by nature) will claim that “oh the people will see you are calling them mean names and they will side with her.” But you’ll recall I said that wouldn’t happen and then you will look at any comments section on any mainstream article about this woman and her anti-speech crusade and see that that isn’t happening.
Yesterday, following Berger’s Telegraph interview, all the major British media did stories on her call to ban keywords from Twitter.

Here are the top comments on the Daily Mail:
And I could go on. The Guardian, Huffington Post, RT and several other sites have comments sections on their articles about her statements, as does the original Telegraph piece. It is hard to find any single comment agreeing with her, and many commenters are angry.
The cries that this was “bad publicity for the movement” were obviously stupid on the face of the thing, but now they have literally been proven to be objectively wrong. Still, I have no doubt that whiners will continue to whine, because the facts never mattered to them in the first place. But pay them no mind.
Get in the Game! Take Down the Jews!
Everyone who has the time (and it only takes a minute to send a few Tweets) needs to get in on this. Last time the UK cops said we sent 2,500 hate messages in 4 days. I want it to be 25,000 this time. We need to let this kike know exactly how much we hate her: our level of hatred is exactly 6 million.

But I tease. We have a definite political agenda here, which needs to be remembered. We do not simply hate this woman because she is a Jew and has the deformed facial features of a mutated sewer rat. She is the most aggressive enemy of free speech in the Western world, and she had Garron Helm locked up for daring to point out the fact that she is Jewish. Now she wants to take her campaign of silencing speech global with her attacks on Twitter’s freedom of speech policy.
She already bullied Twitter into installing a new troll reporting feature, and she could have called that a victory and walked away, but she decided to come back swinging and demanding more freedoms be taken away from the people to protect her childlike emotions.
Our mission is clear and it is not difficult, men. We do what we do best, and we expose the Jew for what it is.
The hashtag is simply #kike, and should be attached to everything.

We are on a roll now – victory after victory after victory!
The Jews and their minions cower before us!
We cannot be stopped!

Get out there and Tweet up a kikestorm, brothers!
Another grand military victory to tell the grandkids about when we’re all sitting by toasty fires in Judenfrei White nations!
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin