Filthy Jew Chuck Schumer Forced Through Visa for Paki Who Groped a 12-Year-Old Girl

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 3, 2017

chuck schumer lolicon kike pervert

Chuck Schumer has stated that his prime goal as Senator is to “deliver top-shelf lolis” to Islamic athletes and other brown-skinned perverts. The Anti-Defamation League has claimed that anyone against this is a virulent race-hater.

Leave it to god’s chosen people to send some ratfaced curry ape to molest your 12-year-old daughter.

Fox News:

A snowshoe racer from India whose entry into the U.S. to compete was made possible by Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer was being held Friday in a New York jail on a sex charge.

The U.S. embassy in New Delhi last month rejected Tanveer Hussain’s application for a visa so he could compete in the World Snowshoe Championship in upstate. Local officials then intervened on Hussain’s behalf, appealing for help to the offices of Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. Their offices reached out to the New Delhi embassy, which allowed Hussain to reapply for a visa and granted that visa.

“Obviously, this is a troubling matter for him — these are troubling accusations,” Brian Barrett, Hussain’s lawyer, told Fox News over the phone. “He is in good spirits and he looks forward to fighting these charges.”

Saranac Lake Police Chief Charles Potthast told Fox News that the charges, one of first-degree sexual abuse, a felony, and another of endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor, stem from Hussain “engaging in a passionate kiss” with a 12-year-old girl, and accusations of the athlete touching her over her clothing in an “intimate area.”

Barrett, who has entered a not guilty plea for his client, said the girl “had been following him around all week. But that’s really all I can say on that.”

That is to say “the bitch was all up on his nuts.”

Is the lawyer also a paki? “Brian Barrett” sure doesn’t sound like a paki name, but that definitely sounds like a paki defense.

By the way, the guy was whining about Donald Trump last month when it was initially denied, when the kike Schumer swooped in.

The Indian outlet Zee News reported on February 1st:

In a possible fallout with Donald Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ policy, Kashmir-based snowshoe athlete Tanveer Hussain has been denied US visa.

The 24-year-old Tanveer was supposed to travel to the United States to participate in World Snowshoe Federation (WSSF) World Championship on February 25 in Saranac Lake, New York but he was in for a shocker as the US embassy in New Delhi denied him the visa following Trump’s new policy.

Tanveer was quoted saying by Firstpost, “The visa officer took my interview for five minutes and inquired about the sport. After the interview she went inside, spoke to someone and then said that I can’t be granted visa because of the current policy of the United States.”

“This is the first time any country has refused visa to me. It is such a disappointing feeling that I don’t have a word to express it. I was going to represent India in the United States. It seems the visa ban is not for the seven countries of the Muslim majority countries, but on the Muslims throughout the world,” Hussain further added.

The US embassy had told IANS that Indian citizens are “not affected” by the Trump administration order.

“For privacy reasons we cannot discuss specific visa cases. However, we note that Indian citizens are not affected by the recent executive order,” a US Embassy spokesperson said, declining to be named.

So, um, I mean – the commentary here is almost too easy.

But I guess Donald Trump was right?

You could also probably make some joke here about Schumer complaining about Trump’s “grab em by the pussy” comments, I think. If that’s a joke you would want to make.