Filthy Jew Faggot Jamie Kirchick Calls for Coup if Trump is Elected

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 20, 2016


Although it happens much less often than a couple years ago, some people still have the nerve to ask me why I hate the Jews.

From now on, I think I’m just going to start referring them to this article by the homosexual “conservative” Jew Jamie Kirchick, calling for a military coup to overthrow the government when Trump is elected.

He writes for the LA Times:

Americans viewing the recent failed coup attempt in Turkey as some exotic foreign news story — the latest, violent yet hardly unusual political development to occur in a region constantly beset by turmoil — should pause to consider that the prospect of similar instability would not be unfathomable in this country if Donald Trump were to win the presidency.

Trump is the most brazenly authoritarian figure to secure the nomination of a major American political party. He expresses his support for all manner of strongmen, and his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has actually worked for one: former Ukrainian president and Vladimir Putin ally Viktor Yanukovich. At the Republican National Convention here Monday, Manafort put some of the tricks he learned overseas as a dictator whisperer to good use, employing underhanded tactics to avoid a roll call vote on the convention’s rules package and quietly removing language from the party platform expressing support for Ukraine’s democratic aspirations.

Kirchick is a hardcore anti-Russian kike.

We wrote quite a bit about him here on the Daily Stormer during the Ukrainian coup, when he was operating all types of trickery.

After whining about “authoritarianism” (the favorite boogieman of the Jews, despite the fact they abuse any and all power they are able to grab in goyim nations), he lays out his plan.

Try to imagine, then, a situation in which Trump commanded our military to do something stupid, illegal or irrational. Something so dangerous that it put the lives of Americans and the security of the country at stake. (Trump’s former rival for the Republican presidential nomination, Marco Rubio, said the United States could not trust “the nuclear codes” to an “erratic individual.”) Faced with opposition from his military brass, Trump would perhaps reconsider and back down. But what if he didn’t?

In that case, our military men and women, who swear to uphold the Constitution and a civilian chain of command, would be forced to choose between obeying the law and serving the wishes of someone who has explicitly expressed his utter lack of respect for it.

They might well choose the former.

“I would be incredibly concerned if a President Trump governed in a way that was consistent with the language that candidate Trump expressed during the campaign,” retired Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden, who served as head of the CIA and the National Security Agency under President George W. Bush, said in response to Trump’s autocratic ruminations. Asked by TV host Bill Maher what would happen if Trump told American soldiers to kill the families of terrorists, as he has promised to do, Hayden replied, “If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act.”

“You are required not to follow an unlawful order,” Hayden added. “That would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict.”

“International law.”

We’re getting rid of that, you cucked faggot.

We are going to have something called “American law,” also known as “Trump God Emperor Decrees.”

If Trump says kill haji’s family, haji’s family is going to get killed.

When Trump is elected and this Jew and other Jews continue to write stuff like this, I’m going to call for them to be arrested, tried and executed for treason.

Because these exact words would absolutely be treason if Trump had already been elected.

And I think we may end up being successful calling for the arrest of Jewish journalists who are calling for coups or assassination. That would really take the Stormer Troll Army to a whole other level, no? If we can push the Trump administration to round-up and mass execute Jewish journalists for treason?
