Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2016

As I predicted, even the allegedly “conservative” Jews are turning against Donald Trump as the hour of his TOTAL VICTORY grows near.
The latest ratfaced trickster to come out against The Donald is Mark Levin, a Jew who has spent decades embedding himself into the White conservative mainstream.
The Jew claims he is shilling for Ted Cruz, but in actual fact, Cruz is just an excuse to attack Trump.
Prominent conservative writer and talk show host Mark Levin is scolding Donald Trump for unleashing a furious Twitter attack on Ted Cruz, a notable rebuke from a wing of the Republican Party that Trump needs in order to capture the Iowa caucuses.
Levin, a tea party favorite, took to Facebook on Saturday to slam the real-estate mogul over his attacks against Cruz, adding that Trump should “either cut the crap” or he “will lose lots and lots of conservatives” as supporters.
“Put down your computer keyboard for a few hours, think before you tweet, and collect yourself,” Levin wrote. “I am already hearing more and more people getting fed up with the low road you’re taking against Cruz, which has obviously intensified this morning.“
Ah, the old “some people say” technique.
Was wondering when you Jews would bring that one back.
Levin’s post includes a link to a related Daily Caller story about Trump’s continued Twitter rant.
Levin has not yet endorsed a candidate in the 2016 election, but has spoken highly of Cruz before. In October, Levin said on his radio show that Cruz is the “most consistently conservative candidate running.”
I wonder why he has spoken so highly of Cruz????
You might say that anyone who would trust a Jew gets what they deserve. But this guy’s listeners don’t even know that he’s a Jew. He pretends to be one of them.
That has long been the top Jew stratagem.