Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 7, 2015

A prominent Jew billionaire, Barry Diller, has declared that he will flee America if Donald Trump becomes our Great Leader.
“All he is is a huckster,” Diller said of Donald Trump. “Somebody who learned long ago in real estate that if you can make a big name for yourself, it can get you an extra dollar.” In addition to questioning the Republican front-runner’s motivation for running, Diller attacked Trump for appealing to the nation’s worser angels. “He’s a self-promoting huckster who found a vein,” Diller continued. “A vein of meanness and nastiness.”
Speaking with Erik Schatzker at the Bloomberg Markets Most Influential Summit, Diller vowed to pick up stakes if Trump becomes President Barack Obama’s successor. “If Donald Trump doesn’t fall, I’ll either move out of the country or join the resistance,” he said. But Diller expressed his certainty that a Trump presidency will never happen. He said he’d put his money on it.
So if Trump gets elected, America will have one less Jew media billionaire, for sure. Even if he is lying about deporting all these brown people, this alone is enough reason to get registered and vote in the GOP primary for the Donald.
For those who don’t know who Diller is, he is no average Jew – he is a super-Jew.
Barry Charles Diller (born February 2, 1942) is an American businessman, who currently serves as the Chairman and Senior Executive of IAC/InterActiveCorp and Expedia, Inc. and the media executive responsible for the creation of Fox Broadcasting Company and USA Broadcasting. Diller is a member of the Television Hall of Fame, having been inducted in 1994.
Diller was born and raised in a Jewish household in San Francisco, California, and is the son of Reva (Addison) and Michael Diller.
Diller is responsible for what the media dubs “The Killer Dillers” – people whom Diller mentored and who later became big-time media executives in their own right. Examples include Michael Eisner (who was President & COO of Paramount Pictures while Diller was Chairman & CEO of Paramount Pictures, who went on to become Chairman & CEO of The Walt Disney Company), Dawn Steel (future head of Columbia Pictures and one of the first women to run a major movie studio, who worked under Diller at Paramount), Jeffrey Katzenberg (head of PDI/DreamWorks Animation, principal of DreamWorks SKG, former head of Walt Disney Studios, and a head of production of Paramount under Diller), Garth Ancier, President of BBC America, and Don Simpson, who was President of Production at Paramount under Diller and Eisner and later went on to run a production company based on the Disney lot with Jerry Bruckheimer.
He is married to a Jewess, Diane von Fürstenberg, who was formerly married to German Prince Egon von Fürstenberg.