Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2015

I keep telling you people: there is no “good Jew.”
People have attacked me and said I am too hard one the Jews, and I should leave it open for “good Jews” to come forward and join our cause. But listen up, cucks: I don’t not support the idea of “good Jews” because I am driven by blind hatred of all with beady eyes and a hooked nose – I don’t support the idea of “good Jews” because it is an objective fact that they don’t exist and in fact cannot exist.
Case in point: Ben Shapiro.

A Jew writer for Breitbart, he has been beloved by many on the right because he appears to hate Moslems and Blacks, appears to stand-up for White people (note: he claims to be White while also identifying as a religious Jew and wearing a yarmulke).
However, it seems that his hatred for Blacks was merely superficial. His hatred for Moslems was something much more devious: part of a Jew plot to bomb Moslem countries for Israel.

But while he is preaching hatred for the hajis, and you’re all like “yeah, I hate those people too, you’re right,” then all of the sudden Donald Trump comes out and is like “yeah, get these people the hell out of here.”
Then what does the Jew do?
All the sudden he is the best friend of the hajis, defending their right to invade America and do terrorist attacks.
Because it was a hoax all along. He always loved flooding you with these people. He just wanted to encourage hatred of them so you’d go along with Jew bombings.
For the Daily Wire, Shapiro writes:
Trump released a statement today calling for a ban on entry to the country for all Muslims. He said this would include Muslim servicepeople serving overseas, as well as Americans traveling abroad. He did not create a timetable, or a list of requirements to be met at which point such a ban would be lifted.
Asked about what prompted the statement, Trump said simply, “death.”
In other words, Trump believes the only way to stop terror attacks like those that happened in San Bernardino would be to ban Muslims from entering the country. That’s idiotic, for at least three reasons.
American Citizens Have Citizenship. Trump is not referring only to foreign Muslims. He says his ban applies to “everyone.” If that’s the case, why would he quash the rights of millions of Muslim Americans, many of whom serve in the police and armed services? How would he propose to take away rights without due process? And why in the world would he? This is truly frightening and disgusting stuff. Up until now, it’s been the left calling for Americans to give up their rights. Not anymore.
Who cares, you filthy, rabid kike?
I don’t care. In fact, presently I am having a hard time imagining anything on earth I care less about than the “rights” and “due process” of invasive hajis.
I’m gonna drop a bomb on you here, Ben Shapiro, you ratfaced animal:
I care more about the Bruce Jenner and Kim Kardashian tabloid drama that pops up in the sidebar of the Daily Mail than I do about the “rights” and “due process” of filthy Moslem parasites who have invaded my country and are killing and threatening my people.

And you call expelling these people “frightening” and “disgusting”?
An America without Moslems frightens and disgusts you?
Only a Jew. Only a Jew could ever think that way.
Kike Shapiro continues:
There are a billion Muslims on planet earth. Banning all of them is simply impractical, as well as immoral.
Kiss Our Intelligence Apparatus Goodnight. We need to work with Muslims both foreign and domestic. It’s one thing to label Islamic terrorism and radical Islam a problem. It’s another to label all individual Muslims a problem. That’s what this policy does. It’s factually wrong and ethically incomprehensible. Donald Trump has just transformed into the strawman President Obama abused on Sunday night.
So no, this isn’t a good idea. It’s a rotten idea all the way around: legally, ethically, practically. Trump’s supporters need to realize at some point that knee-jerk extreme reactions to events of the day don’t substitute for good judgment. It’s ugly when it’s President Obama looking to grab guns from American citizens without due process, and it’s ugly from Donald Trump. Given the poll numbers, it’s not clear whether Americans will get wise to that truth.
“Trump’s supporters need to realize” should be read as “you filthy goyim need to listen!”
Because: every single Jews will eventually turn against the Donald. Because: “Donald Trump” is a codeword for “White people.”

And no, kike – we will not “get wise” to the Jew lies you refer to as “truth” – we know the truth. We want these hajis the hell out of our base, ASAP.
And guess what, Jew: it won’t be too long before the masses wake up and realize who is enabling these hajis and the rest of the immigrant filth. And it will be the same deal then: a Jew is a Jew and all Jews are Jews – get them the hell out!

It might not be the Donald that does it. In fact it almost certainly won’t be. But the fire is rising. Once we Whites unite as a people, and begin identifying alien groups as alien groups, it is only a matter of time before your alien group is identified as an alien group, and you are permanently expelled from our midst.
So gnash your teeth, Jew. Pull out your hair as you defend the hajis you were minutes before railing against, using some Jew legalism argument about “due process” which no one could possible care less about.
But a big cat just went bagless and the rest of the cats are wiggling and hissing as they prepare to emerge from their bag prisons.

One giant cat is named “why the hell are these Jews destroying our entire society? – we should get them out!” – and that cat’s bag is wearing very thin.
That cat is hissing, Shapiro.
And that cat has very sharp claws.