Filthy Jewish Liars Claim Holocaust Trauma Passes on Through Generations

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stomer
April 6, 2015

Oh come on now.  SRSLY.
Oh come on now. SRSLY.

As the last generations of “survivors” of the alleged Jew Holocaust of the six million are dying off, the Jews need a way to keep this scam going.  Enter the idea of “Holocaust trauma” passing through the generations.

This idea has been introduced before by the lying Jew parasite, but now they are beginning to really push it.  A recent article in the Canadian jewspaper The Globe and Mail pushed this theory.

Children of the Holocaust: Conversations with Sons and Daughters of Survivors – published to widespread acclaim in 1979, 35 years ago last fall – made a then-astounding claim: that the harrowing trauma of the Holocaust, and the symptoms that marked survivors, had been passed on to their children – a generation that wasn’t even alive during the war.

Today, having identified post-traumatic stress disorder, we take this as a given. And the transmission isn’t just psychological, as psychiatrists have pointed out for more than a century; it’s physical. Rachel Yehuda, a pioneering psychiatrist and neuroscientist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, has found that children of mothers with PTSD are three times as likely to have it as are other kids, and almost four times more likely to be depressed and anxious. As Judith Shulevitz pointed out last fall in The New Republic, the children of survivors often have unusual levels of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress – which was also true of infants whose mothers were pregnant and near the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Emotional and physical trauma can become genetic.

Yes, goyim – you read that correctly. Through a magical process, the suffering is transmitted genetically.


This is what Jews think of you. They expect you to eat this up, and then apologize to them for it.