Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2014
What was that you said, sir? A Jew attempting to stir up a race war? How dare thee insult the Jew race, who is always there to help us with our financial and social issues and provide interesting and entertaining broadcasts for our consumption!
I’ll have to see this Jew inciting a race war before I believe it to have taken place! Aye, good sir – pics or it didn’t happen!
Well then sir, it seems you are correct, and I have mistaken these gentle ratfaced monsters. Aye, indeed sir, this particular ratlike Jewish parasite does not seem to be attempting to assist us with low low low low low interest loans, but in fact appears to be attempting to incite a race war by pretending a violent Black criminal is a peaceful victim.
I dare say, we may have to do something about these Jews, govnah!