Filthy Lying Slut Michelle Fields Now Advising the Clinton Campaign

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2016

The filthy lying slut Michelle Fields, a Breitbart “reporter” who tried to get all grabby-feely with The Leader, then formulated a conspiracy to claim Trump’s campaign manager attacked her, then was exposed as the worst-ever liar, has reared her ratlike head back out of the shadows of shame.

Appearing on MSNBC with that faggot with the glasses you want to punch, she gave advice to Hillary Clinton, saying she needs to treat him as a joke rather than a serious candidate.

Word to a slut: the entire media, the Republican Party and the Democrat Party have been doing this for a year.

It. Doesn’t. Work.

But why would MSNBC bring a retard-level trollop on their channel to spout retard gibberish, the basic nature of which proves she hasn’t actually been paying attention to politics for the last year.

Did the producers know she was going to make this face?


Did they tell her to make that face?

Is this a serious network?