Filthy Non-White Pervert Jailed for Raping 81-Year-Old Dementia Sufferer

The Telegraph and Argus
October 1, 2014

Stock Image. How can these sick bastards attack elderly women like this? The crime is so sick, that we do not even have a word for it in English.

A CABBIE caught on camera sexually abusing an 81-year-old dementia sufferer in her own home has been jailed for 15 months.

The vulnerable pensioner’s appalled son witnessed the repeated assaults on a live link to his mother’s home, Bradford Crown Court heard today.

The Bradford woman invited Mohammed Rashid in for a cup of tea and a chat but he grabbed at her breasts, undid his trousers and encouraged her to touch him indecently.

Rashid, 62, of Little Horton Lane, Bradford, pleaded guilty to two offences of sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder, on the afternoon of October 7 last year.

Prosecutor Jayne Beckett said the victim had Alzheimer’s disease that made her over-trusting with strangers. Her son and daughter, who cared for her in her own home, installed cameras with a live feed to the living room to ensure she was kept safe from unwanted callers.

The pensioner’s son saw live footage of Rashid groping his mother’s breasts while she was showing him family photos and talking about her neighbours.

His sister, who lived nearer, immediately went round and found the door locked.

Her mother was flustered and dishevelled and Rashid, a private hire driver, left soon afterwards.

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Mohammed Rashid was jailed for a pathetic 15 months.

He said he knew her mother because they had worked together in the textile industry more than 20 years ago.

Mrs Beckett said a doctor found that the victim suffered from significant dementia and memory loss and was unable to consent to sexual activity.

Rashid’s barrister, Tina Landale, said he had been a cab driver for 15 years and had no previous convictions.

He was visibly ashamed and shocked when shown the CCTV footage.

“He has lost his reputation and his employment and he stands before Your Honour humiliated and ashamed,” Miss Landale said.

The Recorder of Bradford, Judge Roger Thomas QC, said all the pensioner wanted was “a cup of tea and some light conversation.”

Rashid rang to make sure the coast was clear before engaging in sexual activity for his own gratification during the 30 minute visit.

“Having watched the film myself in full, there can be no doubt at all that it must have been absolutely clear to you that the lady was under a significant disorder and could not possibly have begun to consent, in any shape or form, to your unpleasant sexual behaviour with her,” the judge said.

Rashid must sign on the sex offenders register for ten years.

And those who attack our elderly.