Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2013

Shirley Jones, who played Shirley Partridge, the wholesome and endearing Partridge Family mother, has written memoirs in which she outlines her deranged sexual history, including the fact that she has had threesomes, and that her one-time husband, Jack Cassidy, had gay sex with Cole Porter.
She also talks about having orgasms – how interesting is that?
The book’s description on Amazon makes the following claim:
Shirley Jones has always seemed as pure and wholesome as her squeaky-clean image. But now she’s ready to set the record straight—in a memoir as shockingly candid, deliciously juicy, and delightfully frank as the star herself.
Based on what I’m reading, this seems to be something of an understatement.
Also, it appears the book is crap:

So, two things are going on here.
Firstly, there is the obvious economic angle. No one really cares about this woman, so “You thought I was good and wholesome, but I’m a whore and my dead ex-husband was a complete faggot” is about as good of a marketing strategy as the Jew publishers could have set up.
The second – more devious and less plain – happening here is a manifestation of the Jewish agenda to corrupt all things viewed as wholesome and good. Of course, the Partridge family was completely Jew-manufactured, fake ‘culture’ to begin with, but it is nonetheless an image people have in their minds of something relative innocent, a remnant of a slightly less brutal era of Americana. In coming out with the book – and more importantly the newspaper/TV headlines – about the Partridge Family mother being a filthy whore, the defile the image in the minds of the people of something that was considered to be good.
It is a biological instinct of the Jew to defile anything which the society he exists in reveres. With the Partridge mother whore confessions, they are doing the same thing they did with “Piss Christ,” merely on a infinitely smaller scale.