Filthy Rat Fuck McMaster Celebrates Mueller Indictments!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2018

This is absolutely fucking outrageous and it makes me sick.

This is a guy Trump allowed to go bomb shit. Now he comes out and says that the 13 alleged Russian social media accounts are proof of a conspiracy and that Trump is not the real president.

Fox News:

The national security adviser to President Trump said Saturday that the new FBI indictments show indisputably that Russians meddled in U.S. elections.

If they meddled to support Trump than that means Trump isn’t President.

That is the implication, that is what this entire stupid kook hoax is about: declaring that Trump isn’t really President, because Russia. That is what every person who says “Russian meddling” means – that Trump was not elected by the people of this country, but by Russia.

During the Munich Security Conference in Germany, H.R. McMaster said “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” that Moscow meddled in the 2016 campaign.

He also scoffed at any move to work with Russia on cybersecurity, saying “we would love to have a cyber dialogue when Russia is sincere about curtailing its sophisticated form of espionage.”

McMaster’s remarks follow the indictment of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies by a federal grand jury for allegedly interfering in the 2016 presidential elections. The case brought by Robert Mueller, special counsel for the Justice Department, details a sophisticated plot to wage “information warfare” against the U.S.

Dear Mr. President: this man is not your friend.

HR McMaster sucks up the scum left by the scum-suckers. He is worse than any Jew.

None of these warmongering assholes are your friends.

Your friends are the people: I am your friend. The working class who elected you is your friend.

Any single disgusting individual who will give even a nod to this Russian hoax is your enemy. Someone who will say that Mueller’s thirteen tweeters is proof your not president is a traitor who deserves to be arrested and tried for sedition.

This fat piece of shit was already a traitor for trying to use American blood and treasure to start a war for the evil Jews.

Mr. President, please stand-up and throw these people out.

Stand up for the people.

Stand up and lead America.

We are all here, waiting for your signal.

There are more of us than them.

We will fill the streets if you tell us to. We will stand with you when you shut down this entire corrupt system. If you release troops onto the streets to arrest every single last one of these fuckers, we will throw flowers into the street and chant U-S-A!