Filthy Terrorist Cenk Uygur Banned From Plane After Chimp-Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2016


ISIS member and host of the ISIS propaganda show The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, was banned from boarding a plane in California after the racist pilot feared he was going to murder everyone.


Young Turks host Cenk Uygur was kicked off an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Miami Saturday – and he live-streamed the whole thing.

The presenter, along with a group of other passengers, was seen angrily arguing with airline staff during a four-hour delay in one of the videos he uploaded to Facebook.

Uygur then said he was informed by a supervisor that “the captain didn’t feel comfortable” with his behavior and he was not allowed to board the plane.

“They kicked me off the plane,” he told his viewers. “Isn’t that unbelievable? One of the supervisors came out of vindictiveness and decided, ‘no that’s it, I’m going to kick you off the plane.’ She made up an excuse about how the captain didn’t feel comfortable with me there.”

“You guys saw the video,” he added. “The captain wasn’t there.”

It’s almost like he created the incident on purpose for publicity, no?

But as an inferior White man, I could never accuse a superior brown person of doing something immoral. I just don’t have any room to speak because of my privilege, and the fact that my ancestors did the Crusades.

Here’s the video of the morally correct creature whining about the injustices against him.