Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 23, 2014

So people trying to troll the fat Jew bitch Luciana Berger have been getting banned almost immediately.
Apparently, Twitter is doing some serious damage control, and literally has a team working twenty-four hours a day to monitor Berger’s account and delete any Tweet which is even borderline critical in order to ensure that he feelings are not hurt ever again and she stops whining and demanding the government shut down Twitter.

So, looking at this, we must be creative. Shouldn’t be a problem. We are very creative people.
Some people already trolled the hell out of her Instagram, to the point where I think she’s now deleted all her pictures and stopped posting, and Facebook operations are ongoing, but Twitter is really where it’s at. So how can we troll the Jew on Twitter when every post which is sent to her is being monitored? Not even the method of putting messages in images will work, because this is literally a human being checking every single post manually.
The only possible solution is to send the posts to someone else.
But who?
How about the revolutionary leader Russell Brand, who just added a swastika to his avatar?

Does that sound like a good option to you, dear brothers?
It sure does to me.
Brand is both very famous and listened to, as well as someone who claims to believe in some sort of social revolution, which he uses internet media to promote. He is also completely emotionally/psychologically unstable. On top of all that, he has both defended Jews as a group as well as been accused of Antisemitism for criticizing Israel.
He is thus the perfect target. We must drag him into this mess we’ve created, and use him to cause the drama to explode exponentially.
Here’s the plan.
All trolling efforts should now be redirected entirely towards Russell Brand (@RustyRockets), without ever using @lucianaberger, which is being checked extensively. We should use our hashtags, and turn #LucianaBerger into a popular hashtag (though note that hashtags are all searchable, which means Twitter can use them to find our posts and shut us down).
Brand will then be put in an awkward position where he feels he must address the drama created, but will have no valid response. He is pro-Jew but anti-government, and would also probably feel obligated to support basic free speech rights, which the Jewess Berger has attempted to strip us of.
Whatever he says, the media will be all over it, and connect it to this censorship agenda and Berger and evil American Nazis and so on and on and on.
It won’t be hard, with the force we have amassed, to make Brand’s entire Twitter feed about Luciana Berger/Nazis/Jew/Whatever other trollfeed.
A distinguished gentleman named Adolf Smith gave the idea for this program – he is already all over it.
So, praise him as the leader of the Nazi revolution, attack him as a Jew lover, claim he is part of a conspiracy – whatever, it doesn’t really matter, do whatever you think is funny.
The important thing is that you get in the game – instructions on how to do all of this can be found here.
Remember to always retweet any Tweets you see from comrades – it makes them go higher up in the rankings. Also, follow each other, follow other people you see, retweet randomly – all of that strengthens your profile in the ranking, weaving everything all together.

They cannot stop us.
We are an invincible army of super-intelligent internet ninjas.
Remember: It’s not our revolution if we can’t lol.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin