Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2017
You can’t argue with this video.
It’s final.
We have to abolish borders and all laws and all the rest of the shit like that, immediately.
We’re just going to have to all become Islamic.
We don’t have any other choice.
Seriously Though
Putting aside the fact that the people making this video caused emotional trauma to the children they’re allegedly trying to protect for the purpose of a propaganda film allegedly trying to protect these children – which is pretty weird – let’s play the old “what if the races were reverse?” game for a minute.
Interestingly, there are a lot of white babies born in China.
And I’m sure if you found some this same age, who had been in China their whole lives, and asked them if they liked China, they would say “yes, I play here and have a fun time here with my friends.”
But then if you asked them if they were Chinese, they would be like “lol no r u retard? look at me, I’m obviously not Chinese.”
The reason these kids are crying when they are told they’re not Danish is that the Danish government has ordered the schools to teach them that they are Danish.
If white kids in China were to ask their teacher “why do I look different than the other people in my class?” the teacher would say “because you’re not Chinese, your parents come from a different country. People in different countries look different.” And the kids would say “hm, okay, that makes sense, I’ll go play now, thanks for the info, Mr. Teacher.”
As such, they would have no emotional investment in believing they are Chinese when they’re not, so would not start crying when told an obvious fact.
The emotional abuse of these Moslem children raised in Denmark is on the part of the people who are lying to them about who and what they are in order to push an insane social-engineering agenda. Not on the part of people who are stating the obvious fact that being born in a country does not make you a different race.