Final Story on DACA: Trump Tweeted a Semantic Disagreement and the Jig is in Fact Up

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2017

So it looks like Trump did just tweet after the backlash.

He did make an agreement, he just didn’t officially sign it.

What is he getting in return for this?

“Border security.”


President Donald Trump and Democratic congressional leaders reached a tentative agreement Wednesday night to provide a pathway to citizenship for young immigrants known as Dreamers — but after a conservative backlash, the president and his aides sent conflicting signals about how firm the agreement was.

After a meeting with Trump at the White House on Wednesday night, Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi said they had come to terms with Trump on a plan that would provide protection for Dreamers in exchange for beefed-up border security — but, notably, no additional funding for a border wall.

“We all agreed on a framework: Pass DACA protections and additional security measures, excluding the wall. We agreed that the president would support enshrining the DACA protections into law,” Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on the Senate floor Thursday.

The news triggered an outcry from the right, which accused Trump of abandoning his tough-on-immigration campaign stance. So Trump and his aides rebutted Democrats’ claims that an agreement had been struck — while at the same time acknowledging the outlines of a deal.

“No deal was made last night on DACA. Massive border security would have to be agreed to in exchange for consent. Would be subject to vote,” Trump tweeted.

Added White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters: “By no means was any deal ever agreed upon.”

Yet it seemed to be a matter of semantics. Speaking briefly to reporters shortly after his tweet, Trump said he and the Democratic leaders were close to a deal on the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, but that any agreement would hinge on “massive border security,” adding that funding for a border wall will come “a little bit later.”

He also said he had spoken to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and that both are “on board” with a DACA-for-border-security deal with Democrats. The meeting Wednesday night did not include Ryan and McConnell, whom Trump spurned for Pelosi and Schumer on a fiscal deal last week.

“Well, we want to get massive border security, and I think that both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, I think they agree with it … we’re fairly close, but we have to get massive border security,” the president said. “Ryan and McConnell agree with us on DACA. We’re very much on board. I spoke to them, yes.”

Responding to accusations he was backing “amnesty,” Trump also said Thursday: “We’re not looking at citizenship. We’re not looking at amnesty. We’re looking at allowing people to stay here.”

That is amnesty.

Whatever the case, they are eventually going to get citizenship if they don’t go back. And what difference does it make? They vote without citizenship.

Let’s be clear: this is not chess. There is no chess move that follows allowing these DACA bloodsucking parasites amnesty. That is called getting checkmated by the Jews.

Acting like he’s going to do it and then not doing it could potentially be some kind of chess move. I guess. But once DACA gets signed, it’s over. That will be the end of the Trump Presidency.

We will still get some things we wanted, probably, and it will of course have been better than Hillary, but the dream will be dead. The DREAMers will kill our dream.

I’m not going to flip out and have an emotional breakdown over this. It is sad, and I do feel sad. But we never really thought that Trump could bring down this entire system singlehandedly.

At least not without declaring martial law. And if he signs DACA, that isn’t in the cards either. If he was planning to do that, he would have gone all the way on Charlottesville and then held the line, pumping up the base.

It doesn’t look good.

Possibly/probably, the deals he’s making with the Democrats are to avoid impeachment. I think history would remember him better if he went down fighting. But maybe he’s too tired to care about that. Maybe he’s being threatened. Maybe AJ is right and he’s being secretly drugged.

Who knows.

It doesn’t really matter.

What matters is just coming to terms with the fact that this train is crashing, that we’re gonna need to tuck and roll and regroup down the line.