Finally, a Majority of Americans (53%) Believe the Russian Investigation is a Politically Motivated Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2018

This took long enough.

How stupid are people?


A majority of Americans now say that the investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election is politically motivated, according to a new poll.

The CBS News poll found that 53 percent of Americans believe that US Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged ‘Russian meddling’ in the election is “politically motivated” while 44 percent think the investigation is “justified.”

The poll also found that, overall, 76 percent of Americans still believe US President Donald Trump should cooperate if he is asked to be interviewed as part of Mueller’s investigation. In January, the percentage of people who believed Trump should cooperate was at 84 percent.

The numbers reveal that Republicans are even more critical of the investigation now than they were earlier in the year. In January, the number of Republicans who believed Trump should cooperate with Mueller was at 73 percent, while that number has now dropped to 53 percent.

I guess a big part of why people believed this shit – the biggest part, probably – was Jimmy Boy Comey’s ever-so-carefully crafted public image of himself as this sort of old timey paragon of truth and justice. I know normiecons who are still having trouble coming to grips with the fact that he was a lying scam artist playing celebrity politics.

Especially after he ostensibly won the election for Trump (I don’t think that is true, but that’s how it was sold and a lot of people believed it) by coming out with the Weiner files a week before the election, it has just been difficult for people to accept that this is a wily, lying, criminal sonovabitch.

It would be worth doing a major study on why people trusted this scumbag. He isn’t especially handsome, he isn’t charismatic, and he is freakishly, offensively tall in a way that implies some kind of genetic defect.

I think it was mainly just the whole “aw shucks” bit he did.

People just really liked that.

The other reason people believed in the Russia hoax is just basic “big lie” psychology – how could so many people be saying the exact same thing at the exact same time and it not be true?

Anyway, the Jews are obviously aware of “Russia fatigue” kicking in, which is why this whole thing has pivoted to porn stars.

I think people are already bored of that – the “grab em by the pussy” tape drop demonstrated that no one is really interest in hearing about Trump’s sexual exploits, real or imagined – so I guess they’ll pivot somewhere else.

Ultimately, the Mueller investigation is not meant to go anywhere. The people who started it knew when they started it that it was fake. I guess they thought maybe in a fishing expedition they would catch something, but I think Trump had already been so fully spied on that they didn’t really believe that either.

It was just meant to be a massive ongoing spectacle with the underlying premise that Trump is somehow not really President, because Russia did the election.

Trump having the approval rating he has right now in the midst of this truly is incredible.

And it shows that he doesn’t need to be doing stupid, destructive shit for the Jews.


Although there is presumably a margin of error, Trump’s approval rating is almost identical to the professed believe in the Russian investigation. So it’s kinda like you’re either on Team Trump or you’re not, and that’s how you base your believe in the Russian hoaxvestigation.

I think a lot of liberals don’t actually genuinely believe in the hoax, they just use a professed belief in it as a weapon against Trump. Conservatives generally have moral temperaments that make it impossible for them to do things like this. Like, I think when people called Obama a non-American Islamic communist, they believed it. But then a liberal, even if moved by the evidence that Obama is a non-citizen, a Moslems and/or a communist (there is moving evidence for all) would say they don’t believe it if they do.

So, if a formerly anti-Trump liberalish person starts to warm up to Trump – which is happening kind of a lot right now, because of the economic stuff – they will then be like “yeah, I know, this Russia stuff is bullshit.”

But this idea that people commit to a personality – they do that. That is biology. Which is why, no matter what Trump does bad, this website will always be pro-Trump in the sense of being pro-Trump the man, and while attacking the stupid shit he does for Jews, always praise the good things he does. Because our goal is to turn Trump-supporting civic nationalists into white nationalists, and that just won’t work if we’re attacking Trump the man.