Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 11, 2015

Amid the endless cries of Merkel, the Jews and the media to allow more, more, more adult Negroes into Europe because of their horrible suffering, the EU has apparently drawn up plans for military action to stop the tsunami of enrichment.
I am more than shocked.
Though the plan is completely stupid and is almost certainly some type of Jew trick.
The European Union has drawn up plans for military attacks in Libya to try to curb the influx of migrants across the Mediterranean by targeting the trafficking networks. It is to launch a bid on Monday to secure a UN mandate for armed action in Libya’s territorial waters.
Britain is drafting the UN security council resolution that would authorise the mission, said senior officials in Brussels. It would come under Italian command, have the participation of around 10 EU countries, including Britain, France, Spain, and Italy, and could also drag in Nato although there are no plans for initial alliance involvement.
On Monday, Federica Mogherini, the EU’s chief foreign and security policy coordinator, is to brief the UN security council in New York on the plans for a “chapter seven” resolution authorising the use of force. The British draft is believed to call for the “use of all means to destroy the business model of the traffickers”.
This would entail having EU vessels in Libyan territorial waters, including the Royal Navy flagship HMS Bulwark – currently in Malta – and deploying helicopter gunships to “neutralise” identified traffickers’ ships used to send tens of thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East on the short but highly risky voyage from the Libyan coast to the shores of southern Italy.
An MoD spokesperson said: “Working closely with Italy and EU partners, HMS Bulwark and three Royal Naval Merlin Helicopters are providing wide ranging search and rescue capabilities in the Mediterranean, already rescuing over 100 people. The UK is now considering how best to support the proposed EU mission to counter the smuggling networks.”
Libyan militias, jihadi groups, and Islamic State affiliates believed to be in cahoots with the trafficking networks are said to have heavy artillery and anti-aircraft batteries deployed close to the coast. Attacks on EU vessels and aircraft could trigger an escalation and force Nato to get involved, said policymakers in Brussels.
Following a visit to Beijing last week, Mogherini believes the Chinese will not block the mission at the security council. Her staff are also confident that Russia can be persuaded against wielding its security council veto despite the intense animosity between Moscow and the west over the Ukraine conflict.
The Italian government, which is leading the drive for military action and which would command the mission which would be headquartered in Rome, said at the weekend that the Russians were “ready to cooperate”.
Libya’s ambassador to the UN, Ibrahim Dabbashi, told the Associated Press that he had not been consulted on the plans and opposed them.
Following intensive talks over the past week in Brussels, six EU states have committed to taking part, with several more expected to offer participation. All 28 member states are said in Brussels to support the proposed campaign.
The plans are to be discussed by EU foreign ministers next week and then be put to an EU summit next month in response to the mass migration across the Mediterranean and the soaring rates of drownings.
I have to say I am very surprised that the EU is taking these measures to stop this invasion, and feel there must be some ulterior motive. But perhaps the motive is simply to prevent the collapse of the EU completely. People really, really don’t like these Africans, and they are more than fed-up with it, to the point where the structural integrity of the EU is being brought into question.

This comes at the same time that the nasty bitch Merkel is trying force millions of Africans on every country in the EU, and she is being seriously opposed by Eastern Europe and Britain. This woman is so stupid she doesn’t realize that the severity with which she is trying to force these countries to destroy themselves with African color has led to a backlash. Even while in the midst of a backlash, the woman says “well, I guess we just need to push harder to force all of these Africans on people.”
It is possible that they have realized that people a bit sharper than Merkel have realized they were moving too fast with this “let them eat rape” genocide campaign, and have decided to dial it back a notch.

It is confusing why “dialing it back” would need to involve military action against Libya though. It seems it would be easiest to simply send back immigrants who arrive on the shores of Italy.
But I guess sending back immigrants who have claimed asylum violates EU law, so we get stuck in a Jew legal trap where the only way to stop them from being here forever is to stop them from reaching the finish line and claiming asylum.
We could also just let their boats sink, as knowing that there is a 99% chance they’ll be “rescued” has led these smugglers to send out boats they don’t even expect to reach the halfway point.
A War on Smuggling?
This concept of a “war on smuggling” sounds suspiciously like a “war on terrorism.” Instead of waging a war on a behavior, we should be waging a war on people. Granted, they could say “we are waging a war on smugglers, not just smuggling” (the same thing they could say about terrorists), but the reality is that just as there will always be more stupid Moslems wanting to blow things up for Allah, there will always be more stupid Moslems wanting to make shekels sending Negroes to Italy.

Responding to a strategy requires a strategy.
In the case of terrorism, the obvious strategy would have been to keep Moslems out of White countries, thus making it impossible for them to commit terrorism there. With smuggling, the obvious strategy is to make the behavior no longer profitable, which would mean sending the migrants back.
But it seems simple common sense has been completely banned from modern discourse.
Which makes a lot of sense, because simple common sense is part of a sexist/racist/fascist conspiracy against colorfuls and women.
Setting Up for the Next Phase?
On the Merkel plan to flood the place, The Guardian offers:
The European Commission is to unveil a new European “migration agenda” on Wednesday which contains the controversial and highly divisive proposals, pushed by Germany and rejected by Britain and east European countries.
“The EU needs a permanent system for sharing the responsibility for large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers among member states,” says the commission proposal obtained by the Guardian. By the end of the year Brussels is to table new legislation “for a mandatory and automatically-triggered relocation system to distribute those in clear need of international protection within the EU when a mass influx emerges”.
“Some member states have already made a major contribution to [refugee] resettlement efforts. But others offer nothing,” the commission paper complains. It also insists that Europe has to open up legal avenues for migrants to enter the union safely, a notion that is strongly opposed by Theresa May, Britain’s home secretary.
“Such vulnerable people cannot be left to resort to the criminal networks of smugglers and traffickers. There must be safe and legal ways for them to reach the EU,” the commission document says.
lol @ “such vulnerable people.”
At least 99% of the “people” in all of these pictures are young adult males, who look to be pretty hardy. At what point in history have able-bodied men in their twenties been considered “vulnerable people”? These people are, by definition, the least vulnerable human population.

Anyway, as the Daily Stormer has reported, the EU plan is to set up centers in Africa to “process” “migrants” and then bring them directly to Europe and place them in all EU countries – yes, including Eastern Europe, where you Russia haters can ask yourselves if Putin would do this to you. Because he wouldn’t.

They will probably use planes to fly these people directly into European cities. The ongoing crisis is the Mediterranean is going unsolved on purpose – again, all you would have to do to solve it is deport them after they land – so they can have this “humanitarian crisis” spectacle and then introduce the next phase, which is going directly to Africa to fetch these people and place them in colonies inside every European city.
If I had to guess, I would say this alleged “war on smuggling” is just another thing set up to fail in order to garner support for the “we’ll pick you up and bring you” plan.

Probably, by this time next year, the EU will have built centers on the coast of Libya – as well as in all worn-torn and poverty stricken sub-Saharan countries – where adult male Negroes can go and say “waaaahhhh I’m in danger – the danger is upon me, muffugguh,” and the EU will then put them on their own luxury liners – or even air planes – and ship them directly to Europe to “integrate with” (read: rape, pillage) European society.
This is an official prediction. Unless there is some very serious opposition, this is exactly how Merkel and the Jews plan to drive the final nail through the coffin that is European civilization.
I just want to end here with the bottom line:
This entire crisis is fake.
We are under no moral obligation to solve the problems of Africa. It is only the insane modern Jew-feminist thinking that has led to the utterly nonsensical conclusion that Africa is our problem. The idea that we are willing to destroy our entire civilization in order to attempt to solve someone else’s problem, which has absolutely nothing to do with us, is virtually unfathomable.
We need to change the way we think, and these “problems” will all solve themselves.
This song goes out to all the African migrants and the White women who love them and want them inside of Europe so they can be protected from the horrible dangers of their own existence: