Finally: Melissa Click Fired

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2016


Ladies, this is what happens when your womb dries up.

Somehow, Mizzou Professor Melissa Click wasn’t fired after she was caught on video leading a lynch mob against a student journalist in order to protect the Black tent city during last year’s protests.

Recently, a second damning video was released of her attacking police officers for telling Blacks not to stand in the middle of the street.

“Stay away from the children and don’t you fucking touch me” she screamed.


The University of Missouri fired an assistant professor on Thursday who had been suspended after run-ins with student journalists during protests last year, including a videotaped confrontation where she called for “some muscle” to remove a videographer from the Columbia campus.

Melissa Click’s actions were “not compatible with university policies and did not meet expectations for a university faculty member,” Pam Henrickson, chairwoman of the University of Missouri System’s Board of Curators, said during a conference call with other top administrators. Henrickson said Click’s conduct demanded “serious action.”

More than 100 state lawmakers had called for the dismissal of the 45-year-old assistant communications professor, who also was recorded on police body camera in October telling police to get their hands off students and cursing at an officer who grabbed her.

Interim Chancellor Hank Foley said earlier this month that the homecoming parade footage showed a “pattern of misconduct.”

“Her conduct and behavior are appalling, and I am not only disappointed, I am angry, that a member of our faculty acted this way,” he said

Gonna be hard to get another job after this.

But I’m sure all the jungle lovin she got was worth having her career destroyed.

Small victories, brothers. They’re not invincible.


You’ve probably all seen them, but there are those videos again.