Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2015

Finally, we have a bit of reason being injected into the BLM equation.
Dartmouth University’s President, Phil Hanlon, has issued a statement condemning the November 12th library invasion by BLM activists, and vowed to “go full 1920s-style” and “hunt these filthy niggers down and lynch them all.”
Just joking about that last part.
From it:
On Thursday evening, Nov. 12, a large demonstration by members of the Dartmouth and Upper Valley communities culminated in a moment of silence in front of Dartmouth Hall. This demonstration was a powerful expression of unity in support of social justice—Dartmouth at its strongest.
I cannot say the same about events that transpired in Baker Library immediately afterward. I have heard reports of vulgar epithets, personal insults, and intimidating actions used both by students who entered the library and students who were already in the library. We are actively investigating all reports of violations of College policy, and will enforce appropriate sanctions. Such behavior is antithetical to our values and goals as an institution. As one of the great institutions of higher learning, we are committed to the open and energetic exchange of ideas. And as Dartmouth’s citizenship pledge reminds us, we must treat each person with dignity and respect. Abusive language aimed at community members—by any group, at any time, in any place—is not acceptable.
The library invasion, which was caught on video, featured Blacks screaming such social justice cries as “Fuck you, you filthy white fucks!” “Fuck you and your comfort!” and “Fuck you, you racists shits!”
The video currently has nearly a million views, with a very low approval ratio from viewers.

Following the “protest,” Inge-Lise Ameer, the school’s Vice Provost, came out and said that the protest was “a wonderful, beautiful thing,” and apologized to the protesters for having received bad media.
Seriously, she’s on tape saying this. You can hear it in the fist 25 seconds of the clip. She says a bunch more crazy crap too.
She has not resigned, or even apologized for apologizing to Black terrorists.

Can You Actually Hold Blacks Responsible for Their Behavior?
Despite President Hanlon’s claim that he is going to hold these wild apes responsible for their actions, I am skeptical. I just don’t see how, in this present climate, any individual Black person could be held responsible for their terroristic behavior on campus, unless they resort to outright violence (or rather, until they resort to outright violence – no avoiding it now).
I expect that the “sanctions” he’s talking about in the statement will amount to a talking to by administrators where they tell them not to do this anymore, but then apologize to them for telling them not to do it anymore. I can’t see suspensions and definitely not expulsions.

Ultimately, it’s good that they won’t be punished, as it raises the stakes once again. Accelerates the collapse of the narrative.
This is happening at the same time that colleges across the country are attempting to ban the rising White Student Union phenomenon, which is a reaction to this terrorist behavior by the Blacks.
Eventually, normal people are going to enter into serious psychological breakdowns trying to process how Whites are evil when it is the Blacks attacking everyone and Whites continually trying to placate them. Mix that with Whites openly being discriminated against and being accused of feeling the emotion of hatred for simply trying to organize to defend themselves against this onslaught, and you’ve got yourself a narrative collapse.