Finally: Republicucks Begin Calling for Kook Mueller to Step Down

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2017

When mainline GOP cuckolds are calling for you to resign from an anti-Russian, anti-Trump conspiracy plot, you know that you’ve jumped the shark.


Three Republican U.S. lawmakers called on Friday for Robert Mueller to resign as special counsel investigating Russia and the 2016 U.S. election, the latest in a series of conservatives’ criticisms of the FBI and Justice Department during the probe of how Moscow may have influenced the campaign.

Representatives Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs and Louis Gohmert accused Mueller of a conflict of interest because he was director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation when former President Barack Obama’s administration approved an agreement allowing a Russian company to buy a Canadian company that owned 20 percent of U.S. uranium supplies.

President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans have been calling for an investigation into the Uranium One deal, amid news of Mueller’s first indictments of Trump associates as the special counsel investigates allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow.

On Monday, the day the indictments became public, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said a special counsel should be appointed to investigate Democrats over the uranium deal.

Another group of Republican lawmakers, including House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte launched an investigation last week to examine issues including the role of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Trump’s 2016 opponent, in the uranium deal.

Gaetz, Biggs and Gohmert are all members of the House Judiciary Committee, which has oversight over the FBI and Department of Justice.

Gaetz has called for investigations of issues related to Clinton previously, including accusing former FBI Director James Comey of colluding with Mueller on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s emails.

GOP pushback on the whole Russian conspiracy is going to start picking up steam as the GOP realizes that they are exactly what Bannon accuses them of being, and that it is now obvious that that is what they are.

Lindsay Graham and Ben Sasse can’t go out there anymore and claim that Trump is only President because of Russia, and now Republicans of their ilk have to do something to try and get people to forget that they did that in the first place.

Trump is having his “you’re locked in here with me” moment right now.

(The black guy would be Bob Corker in this analogy.)

Some of these GOP cucks are going to attempt to switch sides, but most of them cannot do so because they are bought and paid for. They have to go down with the special interests ship – then they can go work at a private law firm making ten million a year anyway.

We just need to ensure some of them are publicly humiliated, and hopefully we can get at least a couple of them thrown in prison. John McCain dying in prison for whatever his connection turns out to be to the #Pissgate dossier would be brilliant.