FINALLY! Russia Drops Sanctions Hammer on Top Ukrainian Kike Masters

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2018

Lots of good news coming out of Russia recently. 

Perhaps Putin, emboldened by Trump’s “I’m a Nationalist” rhetoric, has gotten the fire back in his step and is making some overdue, but very intelligent moves.


Russia imposed financial sanctions Thursday against 322 Ukrainians and 68 companies linked to high-profile politicians or members of the country’s business elite.

The two countries have had an exceptionally tense relationship ever since pro-Russian separatists backed by Moscow began an armed uprising in the eastern Ukrainian region of the Donbas in 2014. Ukraine has also sanctioned some Russian individuals in connection with Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula that same year. Moscow later refused to compensate the Ukrainian owners of companies based in Crimea.

Nevertheless, both countries have paid lip service to an ongoing peace process and claim to want to normalize relations. But some experts say that Russia’s decision to impose sanctions before the Ukrainian elections in March demonstrate the Moscow isn’t serious about making peace with its neighbor.

The online Russian source news like Vesti likes to reassure its listeners that these sanctions won’t target average Ukrainians.

Hopefully, they are right. No reason to think they are though, so that’s good. A solid block of all the top kikes in Ukraine is about to get sledge-hammered by these sanctions and their accounts frozen, so I’m quite pleased.

Between the US and the UK sanctioning Russia’s top oligarchs and Russia sanctioning Ukraine’s top oligarchs, it seems that everywhere I look, oligarchs are getting squeezed!

And frankly, it is amazing that they were able to keep the status quo going for as long as they did, with the state looking the other way as corrupt Russian businessmen continued to have dealings with virulently anti-Russian Donbass mafia kikes.

Well anyways. That’s over and done with now.

But some more good news came out of Russia recently!

There’s excellent progress on the immigration front, with immigration reform laws being passed to expedite high IQ Slavs migrating back to Russia.

And most importantly:

Unconfirmed reports that Putin’s been secretly learning MMA.

I’ve always tried to convince the guy that Judo wasn’t enough, and I am pleased to see him adding some strikes and no-gi throws to his arsenal.

Now that he knows MMA and he’s going full nationalist at home, he might even be allowed to join RAM.

If he can pass the pull-up test that is…

And I’d offer him a Book Club membership, but I haven’t seen his street graffiti skillz, so we may have to hold off on that for now.

Sorry, even Putin’s gotta earn his place in our ranks. Can’t be making exceptions.