FINALLY: Swastika Clad Protesters Rush Gumbo Durango’s Jew-Sucking Event!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2019

Well it’s about motherfucking time that people got out there and stick it to this shabbos shill and his posse of Jewish gangsters- NAZI STYLE!

You’d better believe Kikebart can’t handle it when the SWASTIKAS START FLYING!


A group of protesters — at least one of whom was wearing a swastika T-shirt — interrupted President Donald Trump’s address to the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) on Saturday before being ejected by security.

The demonstrators clambered on top of their seats in the ballroom at the Sands Expo and began chanting slogans against the Israeli “occupation” of the West Bank. (Israel considers the area, which Jews calls Judea and Samaria, to be “disputed,” not “occupied.”)

At least one of the protesters, who happened to stand up a few rows in front of this reporter, was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with a swastika — perhaps intended ironically, since some of the protesters unfurled a banner against “white nationalism.”

Probably he was against the cuck term white nationalism and wants it to be called what it truly is – WHITE SUPREMACY!

In a scene familiar from Trump rallies for nearly four years, the crowd around the protesters began chanting, “U-S-A!” and “Four more years!”

As the hecklers were removed from the venue, Trump joked about one of them: “He’s going back home to mommy.”

Roughly 2,000 people — including those attending the RJC’s annual leadership meeting, as well as members of the general public — filled the ballroom, many waving signs that said “TRUMP” in both Hebrew and English. Other signs read, “Thank you, President Trump!” and “We Are Jews for Trump.” Some men wore red yarmulkes emblazoned with “TRUMP” or “Make America Great Again.”

Yes, yes.

I’m quite sure they did that.

Because it never fucking ends.

Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson was in attendance, as were White House advisor Jared Kushner, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, Middle East negotiator Jason Greenblatt, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon, and many Republican elected officials.

Trump was preceded by Andrew Pollack, the father of Meadow Pollack, who was one of 17 students killed in the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting last year.

Good God, the Parkland kikes.

I haven’t thought about them since they kicked David Hogg off the media.

That particular kike with the allegedly dead child is pro-Trump and not calling for gun control.

So he’s just a celebrity because his Jewish daughter was ALLEGEDLY killed by a Jew mass shooter who the Jew sheriff refused to stop from shooting up a Jew school.

Fuck that kike and fuck his allegedly dead kike daughter.

You Jews need to clean up your own psychopathically corrupt communities instead of whining for the goyim to do it.

Queen Ann had the hottest take for the second day in a row.

She is openly mixing Jews/Israel which is what Ilhan Omar was Jew-mobbed for allegedly doing. She’s clearly doing that on purpose.

Which is very funny.