Fingerprints are a Social Construct

Daily Stormer
September 30, 2015

Fingerprints were first invented in the 19th century to justify Black slavery.
Fingerprints were first invented in the 19th century to justify Black slavery.

Fingerprints, like all other genetically-determined human traits, are a social construct invented by racist White Christians to oppress Jews and other minorities.

Daily Mail:

The researchers claim their findings could prove useful not just for anthropologists but also for modern law enforcement when trying to profile suspects.

Professor Ann Ross, an anthropologist at North Carolina State University who led the study, said: ‘This is the first study to look at this issue at this level of detail, and the findings are extremely promising.

‘A lot of additional work needs to be done, but this holds promise for helping law enforcement.

‘This finding also tells us that there’s a level of variation in fingerprints that is of interest to anthropologists, particularly in the area of global population structures.’

The researchers, whose work is published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, examined the right index fingerprints of 243 individuals.

They looked at both the level one details, such as pattern types and ridge counts, and the level two details, which are more specific variations such as bifurcations – where ridges split – ridge endings and other structures.

They analysed the prints of 61 African American women, 61 African American men, 61 European American women and 60 European American men.

While they could not find any significant differences between men and women, they did find significant differences in the level two details of fingerprints between people of European and African descent.

Professor Ross, who worked on the project with student Nichole Fournier, said: ‘The Level 2 detail that was significant for ancestry was total bifurcations.

‘The frequency of total number of bifurcations differed significantly between groups with African Americans showing a higher frequency of this trait.’

This meant that black people tended to have around 5 per cent more bifurcations than those who were white.

It raises the possibility that there may be more details contained within fingerprints which may help trace a person’s ancestry.

The researchers say the findings could also lead to new ways to obtain information from fingerprints left behind at the scene of a crime.

Right, just what we need – more Black people persecuted for crimes they only committed because they were oppressed and because of slavery.

Racists and other Nazis will no doubt try to use these findings to claim that race is a biological reality. As such, this research center at North Carolina State University should be immediately shut down, and everyone who works there arrested.

While in prison, the researchers should be forced to watch “Roots” on repeat.


With that Clockwork Orange headgear attached.


We simply cannot allow racism to once more penetrate academia.

The last time that happened, six million Jews were turned into lampshades.