Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
July 16, 2014
![Europe is going through a great transition.](/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/multcul1_b.jpg)
A new study called ‘Inter alia’ published by Sunnuntaisuomalainen, a Sunday newspaper and news website in Finland, found that only 10% of young people who took part in the study wanted Finnish borders to be opened to more immigrants.
Half of young people said they want to reduce the number of immigrants. 23 to 24 year-old men were the ones to most oppose immigration.
However, these views are unlikely to be represented because the study found that over 60% of young people said they were not interested in politics. Just 9% of those surveyed said they were very interested in politics.
“It seems that they bought an argument against immigration, for example, that it’s harmful to our national economy. Something that right-wing populist parties in Finland and abroad brought forth. In reality there is no evidence of this” said Left Youth member Li Andersson, according to, who advocates for open borders in Finland.
Andersson is wrong, the Danish government reported that “non-Western” immigration cost them €2.3 billion, however, “Western” immigration contributed €295 million to Denmark’s economy.
The majority of people in most – if not all – White countries oppose mass immigration, both of White and non-White people. This is because, open borders destroys the identity of the people in that country.
If immigration had come down to a vote before it all started, it would never start. So that’s why we are denied a simple vote.
These millions of non-White immigrants are being brought into White countries – against our will – for one purpose: to destroy us.
This is White genocide. It is a systematic ideology to make sure that no area on the planet can be “too White”. In other words, there can be no White majority areas, according to anti-Whites.
As we regularly point out, this White genocide has two main steps.
The first is to get as many non-White people into White countries as possible.
The second step is ensuring that there is nowhere White people be allowed to stay the majority – forced diversity, which is also known as forced assimilation: a method of genocide.
This is why we say: diversity is just a code for White genocide.